Curriculum Vitaes

Zejian Li

  (李 澤建)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economics, Osaka Sangyo University

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Committee Memberships



  • Zejian Li
    International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 10(1) 26-42, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    With the 2008 financial crisis, interest has been returning to the emerging nations. While there is no shortage of rosy predictions relying only on the hope of the future growth in these emerging markets, the debate is far from being over regarding whether such high growth can truly be achieved. Although the penetration rate of automotive products needs to be considered on a country-by-country basis, there are some common characteristics. It is possible to compare these countries on certain criteria in relation to the respective phases of development undergone by each market. By focusing on general and emblematic areas and avoiding complicating surface issues, it is possible to identify not only the phases of development but also the orientation towards the actual achievement of growth. This paper will examine the TATA 'NANO' and will discuss the necessity of creating product strategies that fit the phases of development of the market.
  • Zejian Li
    International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 15(3) 226-243, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    Since 2000, escalating energy security issues have been identified as factors for exploiting China's unique potential advantage in the electric vehicle (EV) market. First, the structural risk management system of China needs to be optimised as a hedge against energy security risks from a growing future dependency on oil imports and also from geographical ubiquity in coal. Second, these risks force the Chinese Government to promote eco-innovation through the coal-electricity integration project. Plugging EVs into the electricity grid will not only enhance coal-fired power plant efficiency but also improve the efficiency of energy use from renewable sources. In 2010, the Chinese EV market was still small with annual sales less than 15,000 units. However, the low-speed EV market has grown rapidly, expanding by two or three times in the last ten years. This study focuses on firm growth using case studies on BYD Auto and Baoya New Energy Vehicle and clarifies that a market-oriented thinking, rather than a technology-oriented thinking, can contribute to further growth in the Chinese EV business.
  • 李 澤建
    Osaka Sangyo University journal of business administration, 14(1) 29-52, Oct, 2012  
    2000年ごろの中国の原油輸入依存度は24.8%程度で依然低い水準であったが、2009年にそれが遂に50%という警戒線を越えてしまい51.29%に達した。連年増加する化石燃料消費で、中国経済の持続可能な発展に必要とされるエネルギー安全問題がいっそう顕在化した。だが、これまでの先進国の歴史において化石燃料が果たした役割は絶大であり中国のような人口超大国が主として非化石燃料に基づいて工業化が低炭素社会へ成功に移行できた前例も無かったため、脱石油依存の具体策には創発的戦略が必要とされる。更に原油輸入依存度が既に70%に達しているインド経済の今後を考えれば持続発展のためのエネルギー問題は、新興国の経済発展に共通する課題として認識できる。 そこで、本稿は環境経営学の視座から、DPSIRフレームワークを用いて、中国において、持続可能な発展に必要とされるエコイノベーションを促す因果連鎖を解明し、電気自動車ビジネスの実態を明らかにする。
  • Zejian LI
    Annals of Business Administrative Science, 9 13-32, Apr, 2012  Peer-reviewed
    "本稿は、民族系メーカー登場してから、中国側の政策不備で、最も競争力の持たない民族系メーカー中の零細企業が上位企業に先駆けて海外輸出に試みるという国際経営的な逆説的な現象を注目し、産業組織というレベルにおいて、露進出を事例に民族系メーカーの輸出競争力を分析する。 その際に、メーカー自身の実力の差と進出タイミングの差がいかに各々の市場開拓行動の影響を与えたかについて、特に注意を払い分析を行う"
  • LI Zejian
    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 2011(26) 125-137, 2011  
    After the Lehman Shock in 2008, the rules of the world economy have changed drastically. On the one hand, there is still a strong concern of double-dip, thought will ease their survey, in developed economies; on the other hand, basing on the faster recovery from the crisis, emerging economies have been set to become the main global growth engine. Although, there are also numbers of uncertainties about emerging economies, such as growing domestic inflation pressures or overheating pressures partly due to resurgent capital inflows, the exports to emerging economies and the movement of production relocation in emerging economies have been spurred globally.<br>The same change also can be observed in Chinese auto market. In 2010, China's auto sales grow up 32% to hit 18.06 million and refreshed the world sales record hit by the U.S. market as 17 million. Therefor, China is expected to be the world's largest automotive market with hypercompetition across each segment. Actually, however, we can find a meaningful phenomenon that in last 10 years, most of the so-called succeed automakers, such as Volkswagen or Hyundai even General Motors, has suffered sluggish sales in China and recovered through a series of organizational transformations in local management. These cases give us an elementary understanding on how important that to lead corporate to grow by adapting to the comprtitive environment in emerging markets.<br>In this paper, we focus on Independent Chinese Auto Manufacturers, from the same viewing point which to achieve the growth by adapting to the comprtitive environment. We try to clarify the relationship between their growth and a series of organizational transformations they made in their management. In this preliminary exploration, we will give more attention to their subjects about succession on organizational capabilities.
  • Journal of Waseda Univ. Research Institute of Japanese Auto Parts Industries, (5) 37-62, Nov, 2010  
  • Li Zejian
    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 2010(25) 25-39, 2010  
    With &ldquo;Lehman Shock waves&rdquo; hitting established markets, the world economy has been thrown in into serious recession. Comparing with developed economies suffering have been suffering from economic stagnation, emerging economies posing both fast-growing markets and big population, such as China and India, have been targeted for next potential roles to lead global consumption by next decade. However, a number of multinational corporations(MNCs)have entered these emerging markets(EMs)&mdash;globalized-open parts of these markets&mdash;which can be regarded as top class at most time. After crisis, real local but closed part of EMs as Middleof Pyramid(MoP), called volume zone, show more tremendous opportunities than top. As an exploratory analysis, this paper examines the antecedents of strategies which using resources formatted by Offshoring trend in EMs to develop volume zone. From Case Study on ASIMCO's China Operations, we can give a hypothesis on that some local companies of EMs have succeeded in Offshoring operation can launch a kind of competitive advantage on relative high technical performance with low cost than other companies only reaching either globalized-open or localclosed parts in same market. At that time, a portfolio management on the combination of local resources Offshoring-oriented and those globalized by MNCs can be helpful for emerging markets strategy.
  • The journal of Asian management studies, (15) 91-102, 2009  
  • Li Zejian
    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 2009(24) 125-140, 2009  
    Since the end of 1990's, there is so called Independent Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (ICAM), as new entrant to Chinese passenger car market, has achieved a high speed growth and attracted interest from many scholars. Many scholars have indicated, as one main reason for high-speed growth of ICAM, that they used key parts in their own cars, for example such like engine, which are made by outside supplier for other assemblers. It may be true as a fact, but not a main reason at all. To find the true main reason for high-speed growth of ICAM, an internal approach is needed and this paper will start from this perspective and is to clarify these internal approaches mainly by organizational axle.<BR>Firstly, this paper will present an analytical framework about history of ICAM to define stages of ICAM growth. We will see Entry Period, Transitional Period and Technical Independent Period in the history of ICAM. Only companies can develop its product mainly base on own resource, can be defined that had evolved in Technical Independent Period. And only this kind of company can be looked as representative of ICAM.<BR>Secondly, this paper will clarify that in Chery, as the representative of ICAM, how its evolution on ability of product development achieved by organizational restructuring. Also, in the history of Chery there is Entry Period, Transitional Period and Technical Independent Period, too. Approach about Chery will be under same analytical framework of growth stages.<BR>Finally, as conclusion, this paper will note that behind the high-speed growth achieved by Chery there are 5 very useful patterns for it to use to develop its products for fitting diverse and complex needs. But in the future, Chery is still needed to review its inner resource for achieving combinatorial optimization which most important for its sustainable growth.
  • The journal of Asian management studies, (14) 269-282, 2008  
  • Li Zejian
    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan, 2008(23) 103-115,161, 2008  
    Chery Automobile, one of new entrant to Chinese passenger car market as an Independent Chinese Automobile Manufacturers (ICAM), has achieved a high speed growth since 2000. About Chery's high speed growth, scholars had indicated that it extremely benefited from Chery's strategy that used key parts in their own cars, for example such like engine, which are made by outside supplier for other assemblers. See Marugawa (2007). But the point is that there was no mention had been delivered on inner processes of competitiveness creation those had been carried out by Chery Automobile in any existing studies. So, the aim of this paper is to clarify those inner processes through three aspects that mainly relate with reinforcement in Chery's R & D ability.<br>Firstly, this paper will give the reason that why Chery depended on outside key parts. We will see that outside key parts did help Chery expand rapidly in its early stage. But on the other hand, it made Chery be involved in intellectual property right troubles with Volkswagen and GM since 2002. These troubles impeded the possibility of Chery's further growth greatly.<br>Secondly, this paper will clarify how Chery avoided those intellectual property right troubles by trying to reinforce its inner ability of R & D by a) headhunting competent engineer both from domestic and oversea companies, b) taking in skill and know-how systematically through joint-project on R & D with famous foreign research institutions, c) organizing own key supplier chain by founding subsidiaries with multinational parts supplier and engineers who have experience on parts R & D.<br>Finally, as conclusion, this paper will note that behind the high speed growth achieved by Chery that not only support from outside key parts in early stage, also the reinforcement on inner R & D ability do so much more to the current Chery's competitiveness comparing with the former.





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  • 研究テーマ(英語)