姜, 文渊, 山本, 雄平, 中村, 健二, 田中, 成典, 田中, ちひろ, 政木, 英一, 山田, 貴之, 藤本, 雄一, 鳴尾, 丈司, Wenyuan, Jiang, Yuhei, Yamamoto, Kenji, Nakamura, Shigenori, Tanaka, Chihiro, Tanaka, Hidekazu, Masaki, Takayuki, Yamada, Yuichi, Fujimoto, Takeshi, Naruo
情報処理学会論文誌 60(5) 1212-1227 2019年5月15日
In Japan, to prepare for the 2020 Olympic Games, additional research in sports information sciences is necessary to improve the performance and competitive level of athletes. For this reason, new specialized measuring instruments that are uniquely applicable to the field of sports are available for purchase. The development of data visualization systems and the application of tactical analytic research using these instruments, are also being attempted. However, current instruments and methods are only capable of indexing athletes' individual performance levels. They are inadequate as field or team-oriented systems that can analyze the overall performance of a team from various perspectives. Therefore, in this research, we propose a coach-oriented sports visualization system for soccer that can confirm not only the individual capabilities of the players, but also the optimized team lineup, distance between individual athletes, competitive fitness, and also analyze various phases of a game. To develop this system, first we organized the items that needed to be visualized by studying existing research and interviewing soccer specialists. Second, we considered various applications for applying this system, and then created every function based on the visualization items. Third, we analyzed the performance of individual athletes as well as the entire team in actual competition to provide new ideas and supporting data for instructors based on verifiable, practical possibilities. Finally, we summarized the areas of potential improvement for this proposed system.