Curriculum Vitaes

Kaneko Tetsuya

  (金子 哲也)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering for Transportation, Osaka Sangyo University

Researcher number
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  • Atsushi Watanabe, Ichiro Kageyama, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Minoru Nishio
    Lubricants, 11(7) 277-277, Jun 26, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    This study focuses on changes in the friction characteristics of paved roads under various conditions from the viewpoint of traffic safety. In general, the braking characteristics of road vehicles are examined using the μ–s characteristics of the tires. Therefore, in our research, we used three types of limited datasets and identified them using the Magic Formula proposed by Prof. Pacejka. Based on various experiments, it was shown that changes in the road surface environment, such as dry and wet conditions, significantly affect the μ–s characteristics, and this influence varies significantly depending on the pavement conditions. In this study, as the first stage of the analysis of these influences, it was clarified that the difference in the friction characteristics of wet and dry road surfaces varies significantly depending on the pavement surface, which is based on experimental results obtained using actual roads. As this variation is closely related to the safety of actual road traffic, we used a brush model, which is a dynamic model of the road surface and tires, to clarify the differences in this characteristic.
  • Kageyama Ichiro, Kuriyagawa Yukiyo, Haraguch Tetsunori, Kaneko Tetsuya, Nishio Minoru, Watanabe Atsushi, Matsumoto Gaku
    Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 54(3) 594-601, May, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    Using the road friction measurement method constructed in previous our studies, the measurement results of friction characteristics on dry and wet surfaces are shown. From this comparison, it is confirmed that the characteristics of the wet and dry roads studied so far can be expressed. Next, we study the velocity dependence of these properties. As a result, it is shown that the velocity dependence of μ-s characteristics on ordinary roads is almost non-existent. Finally, a method of expressing μ-s characteristics obtained by continuous friction measurement, which is a feature of this measurement system, is presented. And, it is shown the peak μ and lock μ obtained from these, and also shown the superiority of this measurement method.
  • Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko
    Inventions, 8(1) 37-37, Feb 1, 2023  Peer-reviewed
    The Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV), which has an inward-tilting angle, turns with lateral force due to a large camber angle, so it is necessary to consider the lateral movement of the tire vertical load axis during turning. Although the steering torque mechanisms are very different from those of automobiles, there are not many studies of the steering torque mechanisms of PMVs. In this paper, based on the effects of the force of six components acting on the tires, a method for setting the steering axis specifications is derived, including the geometrical minimization of steering moment disturbance due to the vertical load reaction force during turning. Automobile tires have a significant ground camber angle when traveling on rutted roads, but they do not have it on slanted roads because the vehicle body tilts along the road surface. On the other hand, in PMVs, the vehicle body always keeps upright when traveling both on slanted roads and on rutted roads. Therefore, the tires have ground camber angles on both types of road surface. We study the straight running ability under such road surface disturbances based on the geometrical minimization of steering moment disturbance due to the vertical load reaction force during turning. This straight running ability can be a remarkable strong point of PMVs with an inward tilt mechanism. In this study, it was proved that the steering axis parameters can be derived uniquely by taking into consideration the requirement to zero the moment (disturbance) around the steering axis due to the reaction force against the vertical load at all internal tilt angles.
  • Ichiro Kageyama, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Minoru Nishio, Atsushi Watanabe
    Inventions, 7(4) 90-90, Oct 3, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    This study focuses on the possibility of constructing a database on friction coefficients for actual roads from the viewpoint of traffic safety. A measurement algorithm is established to construct a road friction-measuring device. Next, the tires are selected for use in the measurements and their characteristics are measured using a bench tire characteristic tester. The measuring device is designed and constructed based on these characteristics. Finally, using this device, the measurement results of the road friction characteristics for two types of road surfaces are presented.
  • 景山 一郎, 栗谷川 幸代, 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 浅井 基博, 多比良 峻, 松本 学
    自動車技術会論文集, 53(2) 213-218, Feb, 2022  Peer-reviewed


  • Shohei Kitazawa(Osaka, Sangyo University, Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo Universirty
    Proceedings of The 13th Internatonal Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC'16 in Munich,Germany, Sep, 2016  
    This paper describes the development and simulation verification of a direction control algorithm for autonomous vehicles in consideration of mutual accordance in mixed traffic conditions. This algorithm includes a driver model and a vehicle dynamics model. The driver model is composed of a risk potential driver model and a second-order prediction driver model with multiple preview points. We examined the capability of the algorithm to express human operation. In a traffic condition where there are multiple obstacles, we suggested an algorithm for real-time control target generation from the surrounding environment by using the risk potential and confirmed its effectiveness by simulation and experiment.
  • Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo University, Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon University, Yukio Kuriyagawa(Nihon University, Tetsunori Haraguchi(Nagoya Universit
    Proceedings of Bicycle & Motorcycle Dynamics 2016 BMD2016, 10, Sep, 2016  
    The Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) described in this paper has typical biomimetic features that govern the vehicle body inside a curve. Because the behavior of this proposed vehicle is similar to that of a two-wheeled one, it is necessary to examine the PMV and its potential for in-terference with other vehicles in the midst of ordinary road traffic. Therefore, we developed a microscale traffic simulator, including a driver model and a road transportation system, tak-ing into account vehicle dynamics. We also analyzed simulation results in order to ensure that the PMV is compatible with the microscale traffic flow.
  • Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo University, Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon University, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa(Nihon University, Tetsunori Haraguchi(Nagoya University
    Proc. FAST-zero 2015 Symposium, Sep, 2015  
    The personal mobility vehicle (PMV) described in this paper has typical biomimetic characteristics, which incline the vehicle body inside a curve. Since the behavior of this vehicle is similar to that of a two‐wheeled vehicle, it is necessary to examine the PMV and the potential for interference with other vehicles in the midst of ordinary road traffic. Therefore, we simulated vehicle dynamics (including a driver model and a road‐transportation system) and then analyzed the results, to guarantee the PMV’s compatibility with micro‐scale traffic flow.
  • Shohei Kitazawa(Osaka, Sangyo University, Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo Universirty
    Proc. FAST-zero 2015 Symposium, Sep, 2015  
    We believe that a driver’s operation and vehicle’s motion characteristics during a lane change differ by driver. This study examined a driver's acceptance and operation in relation to a change in the vehicle’s response using a four‐wheel steering vehicle. We changed the frequency response characteristics of the yaw rate for the steering wheel operation by changing the control parameters of the four‐wheel steering system. In addition, we conducted some experiments using this experimental vehicle. The results show that the vehicle response that was acceptable to the driver was characterized, and the behavior of drivers in relation to the vehicle response was determined.

Books and Other Publications

  • (Role: Joint author)
    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス, May, 2014
    ・2020年実用化に向けた自動運転車開発の最新技術動向を探る ・IT業界を巻き込んだ今後の開発競争の行方を概観する ・走る情報端末としての進化続ける自動車の未来像を予想する
  • (Role: Joint author)
    東京電機大学出版局, Oct, 2012 (ISBN: 4501419105)




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