
金子 哲也

カネコ テツヤ  (Kaneko Tetsuya)


大阪産業大学 工学部交通機械工学科 教授




  • Atsushi Watanabe, Ichiro Kageyama, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Minoru Nishio
    Lubricants 11(7) 277-277 2023年6月26日  査読有り
    This study focuses on changes in the friction characteristics of paved roads under various conditions from the viewpoint of traffic safety. In general, the braking characteristics of road vehicles are examined using the μ–s characteristics of the tires. Therefore, in our research, we used three types of limited datasets and identified them using the Magic Formula proposed by Prof. Pacejka. Based on various experiments, it was shown that changes in the road surface environment, such as dry and wet conditions, significantly affect the μ–s characteristics, and this influence varies significantly depending on the pavement conditions. In this study, as the first stage of the analysis of these influences, it was clarified that the difference in the friction characteristics of wet and dry road surfaces varies significantly depending on the pavement surface, which is based on experimental results obtained using actual roads. As this variation is closely related to the safety of actual road traffic, we used a brush model, which is a dynamic model of the road surface and tires, to clarify the differences in this characteristic.
  • 景山 一郎, 栗谷川 幸代, 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 西尾 実, 渡辺 淳士, 松本 学, 著者情報
    自動車技術会論文集 54(3) 594-601 2023年5月  査読有り
  • Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko
    Inventions 8(1) 37-37 2023年2月1日  査読有り
    The Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV), which has an inward-tilting angle, turns with lateral force due to a large camber angle, so it is necessary to consider the lateral movement of the tire vertical load axis during turning. Although the steering torque mechanisms are very different from those of automobiles, there are not many studies of the steering torque mechanisms of PMVs. In this paper, based on the effects of the force of six components acting on the tires, a method for setting the steering axis specifications is derived, including the geometrical minimization of steering moment disturbance due to the vertical load reaction force during turning. Automobile tires have a significant ground camber angle when traveling on rutted roads, but they do not have it on slanted roads because the vehicle body tilts along the road surface. On the other hand, in PMVs, the vehicle body always keeps upright when traveling both on slanted roads and on rutted roads. Therefore, the tires have ground camber angles on both types of road surface. We study the straight running ability under such road surface disturbances based on the geometrical minimization of steering moment disturbance due to the vertical load reaction force during turning. This straight running ability can be a remarkable strong point of PMVs with an inward tilt mechanism. In this study, it was proved that the steering axis parameters can be derived uniquely by taking into consideration the requirement to zero the moment (disturbance) around the steering axis due to the reaction force against the vertical load at all internal tilt angles.
  • Ichiro Kageyama, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Minoru Nishio, Atsushi Watanabe
    Inventions 7(4) 90-90 2022年10月3日  査読有り
    This study focuses on the possibility of constructing a database on friction coefficients for actual roads from the viewpoint of traffic safety. A measurement algorithm is established to construct a road friction-measuring device. Next, the tires are selected for use in the measurements and their characteristics are measured using a bench tire characteristic tester. The measuring device is designed and constructed based on these characteristics. Finally, using this device, the measurement results of the road friction characteristics for two types of road surfaces are presented.
  • 景山 一郎, 栗谷川 幸代, 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 浅井 基博, 多比良 峻, 松本 学
    自動車技術会論文集 53(2) 213-218 2022年2月  査読有り
  • 寺田 和磨, 金子 哲也, 渡辺 淳士, 栗谷川 幸代, 西尾 実, 原口 哲之理, 景山 一郎
    交通・物流部門大会講演論文集 2022.31 PS2-15 2022年  
  • 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 53(1) 58-64 2022年1月  査読有り
  • Ichiro Kageyama, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Motohiro Asai, Gaku Matsumoto
    Applied Sciences Vol.12(Issue1) 2021年12月21日  査読有り
    This research deals with the possibility for construction of the database on the braking friction coefficient for actual roads from the viewpoint of traffic safety especially for automated driving such as level 4 or higher. In an automated driving such levels, the controller needs to control the vehicle, but the road surface condition, especially the road friction coefficient on wet roads, snowy or icy roads, changes greatly, and in some cases, changes by almost one order. Therefore, it is necessary for the controller to constantly collect environment information such as the road friction coefficients and prepare for emergencies such as obstacle avoidance.However, at present, the measurement of the road friction coefficients is not systemically performed, and a method for accurately measuring has not been established. In order to improve this situation, this study examines a method for continuously measurement for the road friction characteristics such as μ-s characteristics.
  • Tetsunori Haraguchi, Tetsuya Kaneko, Ichiro Kageyama
    Proc. IAVSD 2021, 27th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks 2021年8月19日  
  • 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 52(5) 987-993 2021年8月16日  査読有り
    抄録 操舵角に応じて内傾角を与えるパーソナルモビリティビークルにて,操舵トルクの復元側への補正手段が提案されているが,そのヒステリシスの与え方は明確になっていない.本報では,車両の内傾挙動によるヒステリシス発生メカニズムを分析し,その内傾角に比例した補正トルク付加による,ヒステリシスの解消方法を示した.
  • 原口哲之理, 金子哲也, 景山一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 52(2) 462-468 2021年3月1日  査読有り
  • 原口哲之理, 金子哲也, 景山一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 51(5) 931-937 2020年9月  査読有り
  • 北澤 章平, 山口 昌志, 金子 哲也
    日本機械学会論文集 85(880) No.19-00145 2019年12月25日  査読有り
  • Tetsunori Haraguchi, Ichiro Kageyama, Tetsuya Kaneko
    Applied Sciences Volume 9(Issue 22) 4737-4737 2019年11月6日  査読有り
    In this study, PMVs with an active inward tilting mechanism with three wheels, double front wheels and single rear wheel, were studied regarding front inner wheel lifting phenomena, capability of obstacle avoidance and energy balance of active tilting mechanism. Based on a comprehensive study of inner wheel lifting and obstacle avoidance, PMVs with a front wheel steering system as the most realistic specification were compared on capability of obstacle avoidance with passenger cars and motorcycles with those that have current market experience, and showed better capability. Although the energy consumption of an active inward tilting mechanism might be in conflict with the energy efficiency of small PMV concepts, the energy needed to tilt PMVs was very little compared with the general energy consumption of driving. It was clarified that the new PMV concepts with inward tilting mechanism have sufficient social acceptability from both mandatory points of safety and efficiency.
  • Meiko MATSUDA, Ichiro KAGEYAMA, Yukiyo KURIYAGAWA, Tetsunori HARAGUCHI, Tetsuya KANEKO, Masanori KOBAYASHI, Tetsuya MURAYAMA
    Proc. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles BMD2019, 9 – 11 September 2019, University of Padova, Italy 2019年9月9日  
    In this study, we investigate an adaptability of drivers to a personal mobility vehicle (PMV) us- ing leaning process. In this paper, control behavior of the drivers were analyzed by running ex- periment using the driving simulator(DS). First, The equivalent preview time was calculated from the data obtained in the DS experiment. As a result, it is found that there are “driving be- havior in which the main control algorithm with a positive equivalent preview time is feedfor- ward control” and “driving behavior in which the main control algorithm with a negative equiv- alent preview time is feedback control”. In addition, it was shown that the equivalent preview time used to calculate feedforward steering can be grasped by a check sheet on driver's work- load sensitivity. Next, the feedforward steering angle of the driver whose equivalent preview time is positive was calculated. As a result, the steering angle of the selected driver can be al- most reproduced by feedforward steering. In addition, it is shown that steering gain, constitute steering of the feedforward, is depending on the vehicle characteristics, and also the preview time is depending on each driver.
  • T. Haraguchi, I. Kageyama, T. Kaneko
    Proc. Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles BMD2019, 9 – 11 September 2019, University of Padova, Italy 2019年9月9日  
    Traffic congestions and lack of parking spaces in urban areas, etc. may impair original benefits of cars, and now new ultra-small mobility concepts called Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMVs) are payed attention. Among them, PMVs with inward tilting mechanism in order to avoid over- turning on turning as same as motorcycles look realistic in innovative new traffic systems. In this report, PMVs with active inward tilting mechanism with three wheels; double front wheels + single rear wheel and front steering + rear traction, are studied on front inner wheel lifting phenomena, on capability of obstacle avoidance and on energy balance of active tilting mecha- nism. Then, sufficient social acceptability of inward tilting type PMVs was shown.
  • Yuto Kobayashi, Ichiro Kageyama, Nihon University, Tetsuya Kaneko, Osaka Sangyo Univ
    Proc. IAVSD 2019, 26th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks in Gothenburg, Sweden 2019年8月12日  
  • 金子 哲也, 原口 哲之理, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 Vol. 50(no. 3) 796-801 2019年5月  査読有り
  • 原口哲之理, 景山一郎, 金子哲也
    自動車技術会論文集 vol.50(no.1) 96-101 2019年1月  査読有り
    パーソナルモビリティビークル(PMV)の旋回時内傾の実現手段として,操舵角に応じた強制ストロークをサスペンションに与える例があるが,先行研究にて急操舵時の内輪浮きが指摘された.本報ではPMVのロール・ヨー特性の検討により,今後のPMV企画のために実用範囲で内輪浮きを起こさない車両諸元範囲(ロール・ヨー慣性,操舵角比など)を導出した. 原口哲之理, 景山一郎, 金子哲也 担当:研究計画,理論解析
  • Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon, University, Tetsunori Haraguchi(Nagoya Universit
    Proceedings of IAVSD 2017 (25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks) 1 37-42 2017年8月14日  
  • 原口 哲之理, 金子 哲也, 景山 一郎, 栗谷川 幸代, 小林 祐範
    自動車技術会論文集 20174447 Vol.48(No.3) 693-698 2017年5月1日  査読有り
    パーソナルモビリティヴィークル(PMV)は従来とは一線を画した車両であり,その開発初期にはドライビングシ ミュレータ(DS)による運転者の感覚を活かしたコンセプト開発が欠かせない.本報では旋回中に内傾するPMV を研究する場合にDSに求められる要件を整理し,今後の大型5面立体視没入型DSによるPMV研究を展望する.
  • 金子 哲也
    自動車技術 70(4) 78-84 2016年4月  査読有り
    エネルギー産業技術総合開発機構主導の「エネルギーITS推進事業」と題して2008年度から5ヵ年計画で実施された大型自動車の自動運転・隊列走行に関する研究開発プロジェクトを経て,自動運転車両の障害物回避,車線変更,合流時の自動操縦において人間が感受するリスク感覚を考慮したドライバモデルを制御目標生成アルゴリズムに適用した技術を確立してきた. 本稿では,上記の自律走行車両の運動制御において最も重要となるドライバの運転動作を考慮した制御目標生成アルゴリズムについてその理論の概要とこれまでの適用例を紹介する.
  • Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo University, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa, Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon, University
    ITS World Congress TOKYO2013 2013年10月  査読有り
  • 金子 哲也, 杉山 哲, 栗谷川, 幸代, 学, 籾山 冨士男, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 Vol.44(No.2) 759-764 2013年3月  査読有り
  • 籾山 冨士男, 鈴木 儀匡, 日本自動車研究所, 金子 哲也, 栗谷川 幸代, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 Vol.44(No.2) 473-478 2013年3月  査読有り
    (独)新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構は「エネルギーITS 推進事業」自動運転・隊列走行システムの研究開発に取組んでいる.本研究はこのシステムを構成する大型3軸トラックの横運動を表現する車両モデルに関するものである.その3 軸トラックは操舵機構を備えた前1 軸と操舵機構を備えない後2 軸で構成される.実路にはカントがあり曲線があり,車線維持のためあて舵が必要になる.曲線ではカント横力と旋回横力のつり合いから,カントを上り或いは下る.それを把握してモデルにして実路データと照合する.実用場面で想定される事象を表現して,それに対処する制御則検討の役にたつ自由度を備えたモデルから,制御のための簡単モデルへの展開の筋道としてのモデルの簡単化について示す.
  • 籾山冨士男, 黒木 亨, 金子哲也, 栗谷川幸代, 景山一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 43(21) 211-216 2012年3月  査読有り
  • 金子 哲也, 栗谷川 幸代, 籾山 富士男, 景山 一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 42(6) 1303-1308 2011年11月  査読有り
  • 金子哲也, 栗谷川幸代, 大川義弘, 籾山冨士男, 景山一郎
    自動車技術会論文集 vol.41 no.6(6) 1231-1236 2010年11月  査読有り
  • 梁 〓模, 金子 哲也, 北澤 章平, 景山 一郎, 松浦 譲
    年次大会講演論文集 2009 197-198 2009年  
    This paper proposes a steering control strategy for new transport system equipped with an all-wheel steering system to achieve zero off-tracking running. In this system, the center of each axle passes through the same locus, which is similar to the operation of trains. The control system is composed of two parts-the feedforward and feedback controllers. A sliding mode controller as a nonlinear robust control is applied and imparts sufficient robustness by correcting the steeringangle. This control system was validated by means of numerical simulations using a multi degree of freedom vehicle dynamics model.
  • 岩城亮, 金子哲也, 景山一郎
    日本機械学会論文集(C編) 75(754) 1791-1797 2009年  査読有り
  • ヤン ヨンソン, 金子 哲也, 北澤 章平, 松浦 讓
    Review of Automotive Engineering vol.28(no.4) 479-481 2007年10月  査読有り
  • Tetsuya Kaneko, Hisashi Iizuka, Ichiro Kageyama
    Vehicle System Dynamics Supplement Vol. 44 2006年4月  査読有り
  • Ryo Iwaki, Tetsuya Kaneko, Ichiro Kageyama
    VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS 44 216-229 2006年  査読有り
    This article is concerned with the behavior of drivers of heavy-duty vehicles in following the preceding cars. It has been analyzed using a driver model. We first focus on a way for drivers to obtain information so that they can longitudinally control their vehicles. The model is used to describe the two kinds of control methods for drivers: the first is feed-forward, and the second is feed-back. Using multiple regression analysis, the feed-forward model was constructed taking the time-delay and the cut-off frequency of information into consideration. A feed-back model for information that cannot be described by feed-forward control was also constructed. Using a combination of the feed-forward and the feed-back model, a fore-and-aft control model was constructed, and we found that the driver model could provide a good description of the actual driver behavior. Finally, major factors involved in getting control information to the driver are clarified using factor analysis.
  • 岩城 亮, 金子 哲也, 景山 一郎
    年次大会講演論文集 2005 307-308 2005年  
    This paper is concerned with a driver's behavior of heavy-duty vehicle on car following condition using the driver model. Firstly, we focus on the way for drivers to get some information. The model describes for two control parts of drivers, one is the feed-forward control, and the other is feed-back control. The feed-forward model by using of multiple regression analysis was constructed in consideration of time delay and cut-off frequency of information. Furthermore, the feedback model of the part which cannot be described by the feedforward control is constructed. The fore and aft control model is constructed using combination between feed forward model and feedback model. Finally, it is shown that the driver model constructed in this research expressed actual driver behavior well.
  • H.Iizuka, 日本大, I.Kageyama
    Proceedings of AVEC(Advanced Vehicle Control)2004 2004年8月  
  • T Kaneko, Kageyama, I
    JSAE REVIEW 24(2) 157-164 2003年4月  
    This paper describes the stability of a tractor-semitrailer combination while braking. We first constructed nonlinear equations of motion for articulated vehicles with 8 degrees of freedom. Secondly, a simulation study was carried out to model vehicle performance in realistic situations. Jackknifing was recreated by simulation under conditions of traveling down a longitudinal road gradient. A study of the load rate of each tire showed that our model accurately describes the mechanism of jackknifing as well as the motion of limit performance conditions. Finally, the relationship between articulated vehicle, road gradient and limit performance is shown. (C) 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • R Iwaki, T Kaneko, Kageyama, I
    DYNAMICS OF VEHICLES ON ROADS AND ON TRACKS Vol. 41 332-340 2003年  査読有り
    This paper is concerned with a driver model of heavy-duty vehicles for longitudinal control using the multiple regression analysis. Firstly, as a longitudinal control, modeling of a fore-and-aft operation was constructed for each gear based on experiment data for heavy-duty vehicles. Next, the gear change model was constructed to select a longitudinal control model. Using the factor analysis for the model, the relationship between input and output was analyzed. Finally, the driver's control for longitudinal direction was described using this driver model.
  • T Kaneko, Kageyama, I, H Tsunashima
    VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS 37 1-11 2002年  査読有り
    This paper is concerned with the running stability of tractor-semitrailer combination at braking. Firstly, we construct nonlinear equations of motion for the articulated vehicles, which have 9 degrees of freedom. Secondly, simulation study is carried out to show the vehicle performance in realistic situation. Jack-knifing on the straight road section was recreated by the simulation in consideration of road gradient not only for longitudinal direction but also for lateral direction. By using the concept of load rate of each tire, we confirmed that the model shows the mechanism of the jack-knifing on straight road section, and the motion of limit performance conditions. Finally, the relationship between limit performance, road gradient condition, and vehicle parameters is shown. These results emphasize the importance of observation of the tire load rate. Especially, rear axle of tractor should be considered when we discuss the limit performance of jack-knifing.
  • 金子 哲也, 景山 一郎
    年次大会講演論文集 1 305-306 2001年  
    This paper is concerned with the running stability of tractor-semitrailer combination at braking. Firstly, we construct nonlinear equations of motion for the articulated vehicles, which have 9 degrees of freedom. Secondly, simulation study is carried out to show the vehicle performance in realistic situation. Jack-knifing on the straight road section was recreated by the simulation in consideration of road gradient not only longitudinal direction but also lateral direction . By using the concept of load rate of each tire, we confirmed that the model shows the mechanism of the jack-knifing on straight road section, and the motion of limit performance conditions. Finally, the relationship between limit performance, road gradient condition, and vehicle parameters is shown. These results emphasize the importance of observation of the tire load rate. Especially, rear axle of tractor should be considered when we discuss the limit performance of jack-knifing.
  • H Tsunashima, T Kaneko
    VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS 29(28) 754-759 1998年  査読有り
    This paper describes a computer simulation study on performance of lateral guidance system for Dual Mode Truck. A stability limit of vehicle lateral motion is analyzed by using 9 DOF vehicle dynamic model. Relations between steering parameters and stability limit are shown. Experiments with actual Dual Mode Truck is carried out to show the effectiveness of the simulation study. Both the simulation study and experiment show that lateral guidance with one side guide rail causes unstable vehicle motion. It is shown that the unstable motion can be suppressed by cutting off the power steering equipment in the guideway.
  • 綱島均, 金子哲也
    日本機械学会論文集C編 65634(634) 119-126 1998年  査読有り


  • 金子 哲也, 北澤 章平
    大阪産業大学産業研究所所報 (39) 19-27 2016年12月  
  • Shohei Kitazawa(Osaka, Sangyo University, Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo Universirty
    Proceedings of The 13th Internatonal Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC'16 in Munich,Germany 2016年9月  
    This paper describes the development and simulation verification of a direction control algorithm for autonomous vehicles in consideration of mutual accordance in mixed traffic conditions. This algorithm includes a driver model and a vehicle dynamics model. The driver model is composed of a risk potential driver model and a second-order prediction driver model with multiple preview points. We examined the capability of the algorithm to express human operation. In a traffic condition where there are multiple obstacles, we suggested an algorithm for real-time control target generation from the surrounding environment by using the risk potential and confirmed its effectiveness by simulation and experiment.
  • Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo University, Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon University, Yukio Kuriyagawa(Nihon University, Tetsunori Haraguchi(Nagoya Universit
    Proceedings of Bicycle & Motorcycle Dynamics 2016 BMD2016 10 2016年9月  
    The Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) described in this paper has typical biomimetic features that govern the vehicle body inside a curve. Because the behavior of this proposed vehicle is similar to that of a two-wheeled one, it is necessary to examine the PMV and its potential for in-terference with other vehicles in the midst of ordinary road traffic. Therefore, we developed a microscale traffic simulator, including a driver model and a road transportation system, tak-ing into account vehicle dynamics. We also analyzed simulation results in order to ensure that the PMV is compatible with the microscale traffic flow.
  • Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo University, Ichiro Kageyama(Nihon University, Yukiyo Kuriyagawa(Nihon University, Tetsunori Haraguchi(Nagoya University
    Proc. FAST-zero 2015 Symposium 2015年9月  
    The personal mobility vehicle (PMV) described in this paper has typical biomimetic characteristics, which incline the vehicle body inside a curve. Since the behavior of this vehicle is similar to that of a two‐wheeled vehicle, it is necessary to examine the PMV and the potential for interference with other vehicles in the midst of ordinary road traffic. Therefore, we simulated vehicle dynamics (including a driver model and a road‐transportation system) and then analyzed the results, to guarantee the PMV’s compatibility with micro‐scale traffic flow.
  • Shohei Kitazawa(Osaka, Sangyo University, Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo Universirty
    Proc. FAST-zero 2015 Symposium 2015年9月  
    We believe that a driver’s operation and vehicle’s motion characteristics during a lane change differ by driver. This study examined a driver's acceptance and operation in relation to a change in the vehicle’s response using a four‐wheel steering vehicle. We changed the frequency response characteristics of the yaw rate for the steering wheel operation by changing the control parameters of the four‐wheel steering system. In addition, we conducted some experiments using this experimental vehicle. The results show that the vehicle response that was acceptable to the driver was characterized, and the behavior of drivers in relation to the vehicle response was determined.


  • (担当:共著)
    株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス 2014年5月
    ・2020年実用化に向けた自動運転車開発の最新技術動向を探る ・IT業界を巻き込んだ今後の開発競争の行方を概観する ・走る情報端末としての進化続ける自動車の未来像を予想する
  • (担当:共著)
    東京電機大学出版局 2012年10月 (ISBN: 4501419105)






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