入江 満
大阪産業大学論集 自然科学編 126 53-63 2016年2月 査読有り
In the era of digital big data, the users demand a stable preservation method of a huge digital information data. Today, we have three digital data storage media-type; Solid state (semiconductor,SRAM etc.), Magnetic (HDD, Tape) and Optical discs (CD, DVD, BD). Otherwise, in the today's carbon-conscious society, the optical disc technology be refocused on archiving solution for digital data information. Then, Recordable optical disc in professional use would be the most promising one in those digital storage media. This paper reports discussion of the life expectancy evaluation method of optical disk for data archiving based on the ISO/IEC standard.In the era of digital big data, the users demand a stable preservation method of a huge digital information data. Today, we have three digital data storage media-type; Solid state (semiconductor,SRAM etc.), Magnetic (HDD, Tape) and Optical discs (CD, DVD, BD). Otherwise, in the today's carbon-conscious society, the optical disc technology be refocused on archiving solution for digital data information. Then, Recordable optical disc in professional use would be the most promising one in those digital storage media. This paper reports discussion of the life expectancy evaluation method of optical disk for data archiving based on the ISO/IEC standard.