
尾崎 博明

オザキ ヒロアキ  (Hiroaki Ozaki)


大阪産業大学 工学部都市創造工学科 教授



  • Sharma K, Ozaki H, Chanetta P, Khanal B
    Proceedings Asian Waterqual 2003 (IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Confernce) 2003年  
  • Chanetta P, Ozaki H, Hukushi K
    Proceedings Asian Waterqual 2003 (IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Confernce) 2003年  
  • Ozaki H, Ikejima N, Matsui S, Terashima Y, Takeda S, Tari I, Huafang L
    Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 2(5-6) 321-328 2003年  
  • Ozaki H
    Proc.of 3rd International Conference on Advance in Straregic Technologies 87-99 2003年  
  • R.Abdul-Rahman, Ozaki H, N.Zainol
    Proc. of 6th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Resctor Engneeering 81(3) 1-12 2003年  
  • Ozaki H, Polpraseart C, Sharma K
    Proc. of International Water Assosiation (IWA) Confernce-Cape Town 2003年  
  • Ozaki H
    The First Japan‐Taiwan Academic Exchange Program on Membrane Technology in Enviromental Management 2-9-1, 2-9-5 2003年  
  • 藤川陽子, 濱崎竜英, 菅原正孝, 尾崎博明
    環境衛生工学研究 17 2003年  
  • 栗延俊太郎, 尾崎博明, 渡辺恒雄
    福山大学工学部紀要 27 29-30 2003年  
  • Desalination 144 287-294 2002年7月  
    An experimental investigation was conducted to study the performance of aromatic polyamide(ES20)ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis membrane(ULPROM)for separating divalent(Cu??,Ni??)and hexavalent(Cr??)heavy metals from bulk solution. The influence of operating pressure, feed concentration, pH, and effect of other ions(Ca?? and Mg??)on the ULPROM performance was studied. The investigation was conducted for synthetic wastewater and real wastewater from heavy metal industry. Experimental results show that the rejection increases with increasing feed pressure, the rejection is dependent on feed pH and rejection is higher in higher pH. Increasing concentration of other ions slightly decreased the rejection of heavy metals. Generally rejection of heavy metals found to be greater than ninety five percent for the ULPROM, Which suggests the suitability of such membrane for industrial application for recovery of heavy metal and reclaiming wastewater.
  • Babel S, Takizawa S, Ozaki H
    Water Research 36(2) 1193-1202 2002年2月  
    A seasonal function pattern was observed in membrane filtration resistance by Chlorella algae cultured in open ponds in the tropical environment. Chlorella was cultivated and the cake resistance was measured by batch filtration in dead-end mode. The resistance was found to be a function of environmental conditions. Algae could grow favorably and offered low specific cake resistance(Rcs)for the culture temperature from 28℃ to 35℃. The algae growth was inhibited and the Rcs increased below or above this optimum temperature range. The Rcs of algae cultured at different temperatures increased with the amount of the extracellular organic matter(EOM). Hence EOM, rather than bacteria present in the mono-algae culture, was considered to be the primary factor affecting the cake resistance. EOM extracted from the cells kept in the nutrient-free water contained less sugar than the fresh culture, whereas the EOM extracted from the cells stored in the NSⅢmedia contained more sugar. The molecular distribution of the EOM shifted from below 1,000kDa before storage to more than 2,000kDa after storage in both the nutrient-free and NSⅢmedia.
  • Water Research 36(1) 2002年1月  
    The introduction of ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis(ULPRO)membrane has widened the holizon of reverse osmosis(RO)in purification of surface water and wastewatwer as well as desalination of brackish water.The ULPRO membrane chemistry can provide a high water flux at low operating pressure.while maintaining a very good salt and organic rejections.This paper deals with the investigation on the rejection of low molecular weight organic compounds by ULPRO membrane.Laboratory scale experiments were carried out at a pressure of 0.3 MPa with a feed flow rate of l.20 L/min.The rejection of undissociated organic compounds did not show a close relationship with the feed pH.The percentage removal of undissociated organic compounds increased linearly with the molecular weght as well as with the molecular width. The removal efficiency can be predicted by these relationships. But neither molecular weight nor molecular width can be considered as an absolute factor for rejection.The feed pH also influenced the removal efficiency of dissociated organic compounds.The efficiency decreased linearly with the increase in the dissociation constant.
  • 尾崎博明, 栗延俊太郎, 角野立夫
    低温工学 37(8) 404 2002年  
  • Ozaki H
    Proceedings of International Workshop on Environmental Problems in East Asia 13-18 2002年  
  • Fujikawa Y, Sugahara M, Hamasaki T, Ozaki H, Kataoka T, Yunoki E, Mitsui M, Ikeda M, Tao G. H, Fukui M
    Proc.International Conf. Radioactivity in the Environment 619-623 2002年  
  • Matsui A, Kurinobu H, Ozaki H, Sumino T
    Proceedings of the 6th Meeting on New Magneto-Science 312-315 2002年  
  • H Ozaki, HF Li
    WATER RESEARCH 36(1) 123-130 2002年1月  
    The introduction of ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis (ULPRO) membrane has widened the horizon of reverse osmosis (RO) in purification of surface water and wastewater as well as desalination of brackish water. The ULPRO membrane chemistry can provide a high water flux at low operating pressure, while maintaining a very good salt and organics rejection. This paper deals with the investigation on the rejection of low molecular weight organic compounds by ULPRO membrane. Laboratory scale experiments were carried out at a pressure of 3 kg/cm(2) with a feed flow rate of 1.20 l/min. The rejection of undissociated organic compounds did not show a close relationship with the feed PH. The percentage removal of undissociated organic compounds increased linearly with the molecular weight as well as with the molecular width. The removal efficiency can be predicted by these relationships. But neither molecular weight nor molecular width can be considered as an absolute factor for rejection. The feed PH also influenced the removal efficiency of dissociated organic compounds. The efficiency decreased linearly with the increase in the dissociation constant. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Ozaki H, Sharma K, Sakataywin W, Wan D., Yu Y
    Water Science & Technology 42(12) 123-135 2002年  
  • 尾崎 博明, 池嶋 規人, 寺島 泰, 松井 三郎, 武田 真一, 田里 伊佐雄, Li Huafang
    環境工学研究論文集 38 353-358 2001年11月  
  • PC Chui, Y Terashima, JH Tay, H Ozaki
    WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 43(1) 225-232 2001年  
    The performance of two submerged filter systems: a hive filters-in-series system and a single combined filter system, in treating a strong nitrogenous wastewater with nitrogen concentration of 480 mg/L was evaluated. Both systems were equally effective in removing up to 90% of nitrogen and 98% of COD from the wastewater for loading rates up to 5 kg COD/m(3).d and 0.5 kg N/m(3).d. The second system in which anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic zones were incorporated in a single filter offers a greater flexibility in treatment in that by repositioning the locations of the aeration point and effluent recycling inlet, the zonal volumes can be altered easily to treat wastewaters with different COD and nitrogen concentrations.
  • Ozaki H
    Social Seminar on Membrane Technology(2002) Department of Enviromental Engineering,Kyoto University(2002) 2001年  
  • Ishibashi Y, Nakazato H, Parkpian P, Takizawa H, Ozaki H, Fukushi K, Polprasert C, Inamori Y, Konnno H
    Technical Papers of 12th IWA-ASPAC Regional Conference (Water Beyond 2000) 235-240 2000年11月  
  • Ozaki H, Kusumakar S
    Bioremediation and Phytoremediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compunds(ISBN 1-57477-098-5) 85-92 2000年10月  
  • Ha, SR, S Vinitnantharat, H Ozaki
    BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS 22(13) 1093-1096 2000年7月  
    The role of mixed microorganisms on the bioregeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) loaded with a mixture of phenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol was investigated. In a biological activated-carbon, sequencing batch reactor (BAC-SBR), bioregeneration efficiency for phenol was enhanced from 39 to 48% and for 2,4-dichlorophenol from 38 to 43% by increasing solid retention time from 3 to 8 days. Prolonging the sludge retention time induced both progressive desorption of adsorbates due to biodegradation in the bulk solution and direct assimilation of adsorbates on GAC by attached microorganisms.
  • Chui P.C, Terashima Y, Tay J.H, Ozaki H
    Water Science & Technology 42(3-4) 51-58 2000年3月  
  • Ozaki H, Sharma Kusumakar S, Wang D, Fukushi K
    Technical Papers of 12th IWA-ASPAC Regional Conference (Water Beyond 2000) 113-119 2000年  
  • Ozaki H, Sharma, Saktaywin W, Wan D, Yu Y
    Water Science & Technology 42(12) 123-135 2000年  
  • Chui P.C, Terashima Y, Tay J.H, Ozaki H, Jeyaseelan S
    Proc.of IAWQ Conference on Biofilm System (New York) 1999年  
  • Ozaki H, Sharma.K, Saktaywin W, Wan D. and,Yu Y
    Proc.of International Symposium on Development of Innovative Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies for the 21st century (Hong Kong) 70-86 1999年  
  • Chui P.C, Terashima Y, Tay J.H, Ozaki H, Jeyaseelan S
    Proc.of 7th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. 1 251-256 1999年  
  • Chen,G.H, Ozaki H, Terashima Y
    Water Science & Technology 38(4-5) 171-178 1998年4月  
  • Ozaki H, Ghim S, Terashima Y
    Journal of Environmental Systems and Engineering 7-1(552) 65-74 1997年  
  • Chui P.C, Terashima Y, Tay J.H, Ozaki H
    Proc of 1st JSPS-NUS Seminar on Integrated Engineering (Computer applications in Engineering) 35-41 1996年11月  
  • Ozaki H, Ghim S, Terashima Y
    Proc. 6st JSPS-NUS Seminar on Integrated Engineering (advanced Technologies for Clean Environment) 1 137-144 1996年11月  
  • 尾崎博明, 金時浚, 寺島泰
    土木学会論文集 (552/Ⅶ-1) 65-74 1996年11月  
  • Wu F, Ozaki H, Terashima Y, Imada T, Oukouchi Y
    Water Science & Technology 34(7-8) 69-78 1996年1月  
    本論文は、白色腐朽菌phanerochaete chrysosporium が分泌する2つのリグニン分解酵素(リグニンペルオキシダーゼ、マンガンペルオキシダーゼ)を水あるいは土壌中の難分解性物質分解に利用することを目的として、両酵素の発現と培地中の炭素源及び窒素源量との関係、活性を高めるためのベラトリルアルコールの役割、酸素の必要性などを明らかにするとともに、アゾ染料のほか、MCPAなどの含塩素有機化合物の分解性について検討したものである。
  • 尾崎博明, 胡俊, 寺島泰, 松井三郎
    環境衛生工学研究 10(3) 263-267 1996年  
  • Chui P.C, Terashima Y, Tay J.H, Ozaki H, Jeyaseelan S
    Proc.of International Conference on Urban Engineering in Asian Cities in the 21st century(Bangkok) 1 A57-62 1996年  
  • Ozaki H, Ghim S, Terashima Y
    Proc. 6st JSPS-NUS Seminar on Integrated Engineering (advanced Technologies for Clean Environment) 1 124-130 1996年  
    本研究では、有機ハロゲン化合物を微生物的に脱ハロゲンすることを目的として、除草剤2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)及びMCPA(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid)を対象として、これらを分解、資化する微生物の土壌からの単離を行った。2,4-Dについては1種、MCPAについては3種の微生物が単離され、前者の休止細胞及び粗酵素は2,4-D,2,4-DP(2,4-Dichlorophenol),2-CPA(2-Chloropropionic acid)の脱ハロゲンに作用することがわかった。
  • 尾崎博明, 呉楓, 寺島泰, 磯辺良介, 前田かおり
    環境工学研究論文集 33 195-203 1996年  査読有り
  • 大河内由美子, 越川弘博元, 西嶋真幸, 尾崎博明, 寺島泰
    環境工学研究論文集 33 185-193 1996年  査読有り
    From the standpoint of improving biological wastewater treatments by biochemical and genetic methods, the biodegradation and dehalogenation of haloaromatic pollutants were investigated. The crude enzyme extracted from 2, 4-D (2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate) degrading strain was effective for the dehalogenation of 2-halo acid, especially 2-Chloropropionate (DL2-CPA). Based on the activity staining of this crude enzyme extract, it was found that only one dehalogenase was produced in this 2, 4-D degrading strain. The 2-halo acid dehalogenase was purified using FPLC, and it exhibited maximum activity at 45-50°C and pH 9-10, respectively. This enzyme had a molecukar weight of 68.5kDa and appeared to be composed of two identical subunits of 34kDa. Enzymatic activity of this dehalogenase was only detected with 2-halo acid which had carbons less than three, such as Bromoacetate, Iodoacetate, 2, 3-Dichloropropionate, DL-2-CPA, but no dehalogenation was detected for haloaromatic substrates, such as 2, 4-D or MCPA (4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetate).
  • 金時浚, 尾崎博明, 寺島泰, 荻野正博
    環境工学研究論文集 33 157-164 1996年  査読有り
    Low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) is considered as a possible tertiary treatment process providing good water quality, high permeation of water and high rejection of solutes. It is very important separation process of not only inorganic substances as calcium and chloride but also organic substances as recalcitrant substances including aromatic compounds. The development of new-generation LPRO as thin film composite membranes has provided the possibility to separate substances selectively under lower operating pressures than those obtained with the traditional ones. However, little information is obtained on the operation of the LPRO in separating organic and inorganic solutes under very low prerssure.<BR>In this research, the LPRO experiments were made with solutions of organic substances in different pH levels. The experimental results showed that the solute separation in LPRO depends on molecular weight, pH and pKa in many cases.
  • PC Chui, Y Terashima, JH Tay, H Ozaki
    WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 34(1-2) 187-194 1996年  
    The removal efficiency of nitrogen and organic matter in an anoxic/aerobic upflow fixed bed filter was studied. Tests were carried out on the effects of aeration, hydraulic loading rate, and COD/N ratio on nitrogen removal and carbon oxidation. A synthetic high nitrogen concentration wastewater was used as substrate feed in the study. At an influent concentration of 250 mg NIL, and for volumetric loadings of up to 1 kg N/m(3).day, between 41% and 86% of the nitrogen was removed. This was achieved without the recycling of effluent for denitrification. Nitrogen removal was possible when simultaneous denitrification took place inside the support media where oxygen was lacking. COD removal efficiency was consistently above 95% even at a high volumetric loading of 5 kg COD/m(3).day and a bulk liquid dissolved oxygen level as low as 1.1 mg/L. Copyright (C) 1996 IAWQ.
  • 尾崎博明, 金時浚, 寺島泰, 山田桂子
    環境工学研究論文集 32 39-48 1995年12月  
  • 越川博元, 大河内由美子, 尾崎博明, 寺島泰
    環境工学研究論文集 32 121-127 1995年12月  
  • 尾崎博明, 呉楓, 寺島泰
    環境工学研究論文集 31 359-367 1995年12月  
    本論文は、白色腐朽菌がもつ強力な酸化力を水処理に応用することをめざして、白色腐朽菌phanerochaete chrysosporium の増殖に及ぼす温度やpH、微量元素などの影響について実験的な検討を行うとともに、2種のアゾ染料等を対象として、菌体への吸着特性、菌体による分解特性について調べたものである。
  • 尾崎博明
    水環境学会誌 18(2) 79-84 1995年  
  • 尾崎博明, 寺島泰
    工業用水 (443) 2-9 1995年  
  • 尾崎博明, 寺島泰
    農薬環境科学研究 (3) 91-104 1995年  


  • Koshikawa H, Oukouchi Y, Ozaki H, Terashima Y
    Environmental Engineering Research 32 121-127 1995年  
    本研究では、有機ハロゲン化合物を微生物的に脱ハロゲンすることを目的として、除草剤2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)及びMCPA(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid)を対象として、これらを分解、資化する微生物の土壌からの単離を行った。2,4-Dについては1種、MCPAについては3種の微生物が単離され、前者の休止細胞及び粗酵素は2,4-D,2,4-DP(2,4-Dichlorophenol),2-CPA(2-Chloropropionic acid)の脱ハロゲンに作用することがわかった。





