
朴 容寛

パク ヨングァン  (Park Yonggwan Moses)


大阪産業大学 経営学部経営学科 教授



  • 朴 容寛
    大阪産業大学経営論集 20(1) 21-52 2018年10月31日  査読有り
    To fully understand Osaka Sangyo University's foundational principle—Greatness for the Masses—I propose the following three points. First, there is no inherent contradiction in the overall concept of “Greatness for the Masses,” as it is a combination of the concepts of “greatness” and “for the Masses.” Second, this study defines leadership as having the capability and integrity to influence society. According to this definition, everyone has the responsibility to influence society. Third, this study argues that the essence of leadership is defined by how leaders influence society. This approach categorizes leaders as bad leaders and great leaders, depending on whether their influence on society is bad or great. Therefore, I argue that the slogan “Greatness for the Masses” reflects the educational spirit of Osaka Sangyo University, as the university nurtures great leaders by helping them to develop a dream and vision that will allow them to influence society. It also teaches them how to not only take care of themselves but also contribute to the welfare of the Masses even though doing that may require self-sacrifice.
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    Advances in Economics and Business 4(12) 651-656 2016年12月  査読有り
    Drawing upon an analytical framework, interviews, and a questionnaire survey, this study explores the reasons for necessity to operate companies as collaborative communities for implementing emergent innovation and the ways in which associate-centered leadership facilitates emergent innovation and helps organizations respond to turbulent conditions. Associate-centered leadership is the method, process, or capacity of influencing associates to achieve the group mission and vision by providing a context in which all associates can demonstrate their abilities. Unlike the prevailing leader-centered power model, associate-centered leaders encourage associates to question premises grounded in old experiences, assumptions, and beliefs. Leaders in an associate-centered model create visions and wisdom, serve, facilitate, moderate, make peace, and express thanks.
  • 金壽子, 朴容寛
    大阪産業大学経営論集 15(2・3合併) 1-16 2014年6月  査読有り
    The film Fly Away Home was one of the best films of 1996. It is a thrilling, breathtakingly beautiful and heartbreakingly touching story of thirteen-year-old girl Amy Alden who helps the gaggle of geese fly south for the winter. The film provides many insights with regard to communication and coordination between people and geese; team work between Amy, her father Thomas Alden, her father’s girlfriend Susan Barnes, and Thomas’ friends; and the servant leadership demonstrated by Amy, her father, and Susan. This film also adds many emotional insights with regard to the nature of unconditional love, maternal and paternal love, and conflict resolution among people in a family healing from hurt. Therefore, we propose that the film deals not only with protecting nature and solving family problems, but is also relevant in an organizational context, for example to organizational problem solving such as conflict resolution and leadership.
  • 朴 容寛, 金壽子
    大阪産業大学経営論集 15(2・3合併) 45-54 2014年6月  査読有り
    The current management model includes personnel management, organization management, financial management, production management, information management, and time management. Since human beings are resources or capital more important than anything else, personnel management is also called human resource management (HRM) or human capital management (HCM). However, humans are not resources or capital. Therefore, human beings are not the objects of management. The objects of management are resources such as things, money, information, knowledge and expertise, and time. Human beings are the subjects of management. Human beings are led toward a vision, and every person must be able to fully demonstrate their talents. If management believes that, the concepts of personnel management, human-resource management, and human capital management represent a contradiction terms.
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    The Annual of the Society of Economic Sociology (No. XXXV) 171-184 2013年9月  査読有り
    For implementing emergent innovation, I present detailed arguments to focus on a new leadership; this is fundamentally different from the current leadership model as a leader-centered power model. Following are the ingredients of new leadership: moderator as a merciful person, peacemaker as reconciler, server as nurturer, wisdom-creator as revelator, vision-maker as dreamer, facilitator as empowerer, and thanks-giver as acknowledger. I define these as the seven pillars of new leadership for emergent innovation. This paper argues that emergent innovation and new leadership are essential for companies to survive and win in the changing times. While citing specific case of companies, the paper argues theoretically that new leadership is a must for achieving emergent innovation.


  • 朴 容寛
    大阪産業大学学会報 (54) 74-76 2019年3月  
  • 朴 容寛
    大阪産業大学学会報 (53) 74 2018年3月5日  
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    Proceedings of the 2015 KAPA International Conference,16-18, July 2015 <16-4-2-E> 29-45 2015年7月  査読有り
    To compete in the era of globalization through emergent innovation, we must consider associate-centered leadership, which is fundamentally different from the current leader-centered power model. The roles of leaders in an associate-centered leadership model are vision-making, wisdom creation, serving, facilitating, moderating, peace-making, and thanks-giving.
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of IFSAM, 2nd-4th September, 2014 T15ParkM 1-13 2014年9月  
    First, this study established that managers focused on purposes are not drivers of emergent innovation, which requires leaders who awaken associates’ spontaneity, creativity, and passion. Second, this study has shown that insights allowing implementation of effective organizational operations and associate-centered leadership is required in changing times. Third, this study has called for redefining organizations, both profit-driven and nonprofit, as collaborative communities. This study also has offered insights into the importance of emergent innovation and effective organizations and indicated why emergent innovation and new organizational operations are paramount in changing times. This study also has suggested that Japan’s economy must evolve beyond traditional systems, practices, and customs that once were successful in an industrial society.
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    Annual Research Bulletin of Osaka Sangyo University 5(5) 95-107 2013年3月  
    Although there are some problems in the book by Hughes et al., I can say this book is an excellent text book for leadership because it is comprehensive, scholarly, stimulating, entertaining, and relevant for anyone who wishes to better understands the dynamics of leadership, and to improve her or his own personal performance. And it is because this book describes and critically evaluates a number of leadership theories and research articles, and also offers practical advice on about improving leadership and effective leadership.
  • Moses Yonggwan Park
    大阪産業大学経営論集 14(1) 129-139 2012年10月  
    In her book, Kathleen Brush argues that being an effective leader today requires hard or functional and soft or behavioral skills. Such skills will equip leaders for the challenges of achieving continuous improvements in innovation and productivity in a fast paced, employee-centered, complex environment saturated with global issues. This book is very useful for anyone interested in a serious engagement about growth by tackling innovation and increasing productivity among the latest global challenges.
  • 朴 容寛
    経済社会学会年報 32(32) 188‐190-190 2010年9月  
    本書評は、若林直樹の著書である『ネットワーク組織 - 社会ネットワーク論からの新たな組織像』(有斐閣、2009年)に関する評価すべき点及びネットワーク組織論の更なる新展開に向けて、その著作の幾つかの課題を述べたものである。
  • 朴容寛
    Annual Research Bulletin of Osaka Sangyo University 2(2) 1-28 2010年3月  査読有り
    Emergent innovation is required to respond to the instability and discontinuity of environmental changes. Emergent innovation and new operations of organization in changing times are paramount to address the challenges using new thinking and new invention. The wisdom, insight, discretion, and understanding that implement appropriate organizational operation are required in these new times. This approach is necessary to avoid being trapped by the remains of old successful experiences. We need to explore new divisions of work and adjustment, new organizational structures, new motivation and new leadership, new relationships and new communication, and new values in the organization. These changes are also necessary to redefine an organization from a cooperative system to a collaborative community.
  • ケント・M・ケイツ(CEO of the, Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership)著, 朴容寛訳
    大阪産業大学経営論集 11(2) 191-197 2010年2月  
  • 朴容寛
    山陰中央新報 25 2005年3月  
  • 朴容寛
    NEAR News (13) 1 2003年8月  
  • 朴容寛
    学生生活だより (17) 2003年7月  
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学『総合政策論叢』 (5) 99-114 2003年3月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学北東アジア地域研究センター『北東アジア研究』 5(5) 155-170 2003年3月  査読有り
    Some consider bureaucracies-in their most and technically efficient form-as an ideal type of organization. However, many unforeseen dysfunctions are embedded in bureaucratic structures. Many researchers of bureaucracies study these dysfunctions in terms of system integration theories that emphasize the goal-oriented activities of organizations. In contrast, researchers such P. M. Blau argue that it is necessary to use organizational structures that match the needs of various types of human relations. Adherents of "anti-bureaucracy theory" favor the making of radical corrections to common bureaucracies. For instance, W. G. Bennis argued that in favor of changing many organizational structures from hierarchical to organic-adaptive. Bennis also assumed that human-oriented systems are based on values of trust, consensus, and communication among members of any organization, and that the best collaborations are among the members specialists who are given maximum selfautonomy. He also believed that leaders should not be too focused on managing or controlling their subordinates, but instead on coordinating the actions of coworkers and their projects. He took into consideration the communicative rationality required for greater understanding among the members of organizations. F.C. Thayer presented a clear picture of "non-hierarchical society" when arguing for the abolition of the hierarchy principle. He imagined a society made up of small-groups would naturally be uncertain because they would be opened to members and non-members alike to participate in more than one organization at the same time. Interpersonal relationships would be formed on the basis of peer respect and partnerships, in which individuals would not submit to one another, but reach agreement and understanding through communication. Such a system would neither disempowers members nor concentrate power in the hands of a small group of managers. In short, the emphasis of bureaucracy theory needs to be placed not on goal-oriented activities alone, but also on the communicative actions of an organization's members. In this paper, I will search for signs of change from goal-achievement to communicative theory in several bureaucratic organizations.
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学『総合政策論叢』 (5) 147-162 2003年3月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学『総合政策論叢』 (4) 51-66 2003年2月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    山陰中央新報 23 2003年2月  
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学北東アジア地域研究センター『北東アジア研究』 (3) 119-134 2002年3月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学『総合政策論叢』 (3) 27-45 2002年3月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    山陰中央新報 2002年1月  
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学 学報 (9) 5-6 2002年1月  
  • 朴容寛
    島根県立大学北東アジア地域研究センター『北東アジア研究』 2(2) 161-176 2001年10月  査読有り
    Japanese-style management has been praised over the world as an ideal model of management. However, it has been facing a deadlock since the late 1980s, and nowadays it is suffering of a deep crisis. Some enterprises make their efforts to overcome the crisis. This paper aims to discuss the essence and possibilities of the self-managing system through a case study on Misumi corporation. Misumi has been aiming at self-managing organization under the catchphrase saying that "freedom and self-responsibility". At Misumi, the managers have not emphasized their positions and status through those symbols such as job titles, departments and sections, uniform, commodious office, and parking zone only for directors' use. As an organization Misumi is not centralized but decentralized. Therefore, there are little explicit order and oppressive controls from the management at Misumi. On the other hand, the legitimacy of decision-making system within Misumi corporation is still sought from the ground of economic rationality. The self-responsibility which is given to employees is nothing but the self-responsibility that is expressed through those codes such as annual salary, profits sharing, stock options and so on. Misumi has been self-organized by pragmatic codes referring to rationality and efficiency. Misumi is neither centralized system nor managed system. However, it is difficult to say that Misumi is self-managing organization in the exact sense of the term. It can be pointed out that Misumi is a quasi-self-managing organization. In point of fact, if a social system is "explosive production" which seeks to maximize exchangeable values and profits, it cannot be self-managing system in the true sense of Jacques Attali's definition. There was not true self-managing system even in a socialist society in which private ownership of capitals is allowed, and such a system may not exist or appear from now on, either. If so, why should we argue on such self-managing system that may not be able to be ever realized? Which implications can be discovered in the contemporary Japanese-style management in crisis? It is meaningful to discuss these questions, because to explore the model of self-managing system will help to develop a theoretical and practical alternative to convert present crisis to a more desirable new social system. To study the possibilities of the self-managing system can be useful for making such a model that promotes internal communications within an organization and leap decentralized and self-managing system. Network organization is an organizational pattern to increase the possibility. The crisis can be a generator of urging a corporation to convert its bureaucracy with a centralized and managed system to network organization with a decentralized self-managing system.
  • 朴容寛
    山陰中央新報 22 2001年9月  
  • 朴容寛
    経済社会学会 ニューズレター 30 6 2001年7月  
  • 朴容寛
    韓国電子通信研究院の受託研究報告書 1-223 2000年7月  
  • 朴容寛
    韓国電子通信研究院の受託研究報告書 2000年7月  
  • 朴容寛
    韓国電子通信研究院の受託研究報告書 1-277 1999年12月  
  • 朴容寛
    平澤大学校『論文集』 (12) 269-282 1999年8月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛, 呂寅甲
    韓国電子通信研究院の研究報告書 1998年12月  
  • 朴ショクジ, 池庚用, 朴容寛
    韓国電子通信研究所の研究報告書 1-24, 85-279 1997年12月  
  • 朴容寛
    東京大学社会情報研究所紀要 53(53) 57-77 1997年3月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    東京大学社会情報研究所紀要 52(52) 47-66 1996年12月  査読有り
  • 朴容寛
    東京大学社会情報研究所紀要 51(51) 62-82 1996年3月  査読有り
  • 呉吉煥, 朴容寛, 白光泉, 李長雨, 尹泰洙
    韓国電子通信研究所の研究報告書 7-35, 89-100 1990年12月  
  • 呉吉煥, 朴容寛, 白光泉, 玄チャンヒ, 李長雨
    韓国電子通信研究所の研究報告書 55-124 1990年1月  
  • 金四雄, キミンホ、インヨング, 朴容寛, 崔永範
    韓国電子通信研究所の研究報告書 67-444 1987年1月  


  • 富永健一, 大学名誉教, 朴容寛, ほか (担当:分担執筆)
    ミネルヴァ書房 2015年5月
  • 朴容寛
    ミネルヴァ書房 2006年8月
  • 宇野重昭, 川西重忠, 朴容寛, 江口伸吾, 西野可奈, 福原祐二, 末廣泰雄, 西原春夫, 別枝行夫, 大西義久, 増田祐司 (担当:共著)
    島根県立大学北東アジア学創成プロジェクト 2005年3月
  • 宇野重昭, 立大, 赤羽恒雄, 朴容寛, 柳哲雄, 九, 金顯洙, 真柄欽次, 望月喜市, 小澤孝子, 今岡日出紀 (担当:分担執筆)
    国際書院 2004年3月
  • 宇野重昭, 井上厚史, 立大, 井上定彦, 村井洋, 田中聡司, 中国新聞社, 江口伸吾, 西野可奈, 増田裕司, 今岡日出紀, 県立大, 小林博, 朴容寛, 諏訪淳一郎, 朴永梅, 島根県立大, 中島哲 (担当:分担執筆)
    島根県立大学北東アジア学創成プロジェクト 2003年12月












  • 研究テーマ
    創発的イノベーション 漸進的イノベーション リーダーシップ サーバント・リーダーシップ 
  • 研究テーマ
    創発的イノベーション 組織改革 ネットワーク型組織 内発的モチベーション 効果的リーダーシップ
    昨今、ピラミッド型組織の限界が露呈され、世界各地で、その根本的な改革が迫られつつある。ピラミッド型組織の典型的事例であると言える軍隊組織さえ抜本的な組織改革が行われている。アメリカ陸軍及びフォード社の組織改革、オルフェウス室内管弦楽団の試み、アメリカのW. L. ゴア・アソシエーツ及びバックマン・ラボラトリーズ社、日本のミスミ社、KLCグループ、レイアン、富士製薬工業、そして、台湾のエイサーなどの事例を通して21世紀を勝ち抜く最強の組織づくりを試みる。
  • 研究テーマ
    常識の非常識 創発的イノベーション 漸進的イノベーション
  • 研究テーマ
    昨今、世界中がインターネットを通じて結ばれ、第3次革命と言われたICT(Information and Communication Technology)がさらに進化し、第4次産業革命(Industry 4.0)となり、インターネット・インダストリーによるマスカスタマイゼーションやIOT(Internet of Things)によるビッグデーター活用に基づく新商品、新サービスの提供が時流になろうとしている今日において、如何にこのような激変する環境変化に対応し、イノベーション創出戦略を明らかにする。
  • 研究テーマ
    昨今、世界中がインターネットを通じて結ばれ、第3次革命と言われたICT(Information and Communication Technology)がさらに進化し、第4次産業革命(Industry 4.0)となり、インターネット・インダストリーによるマスカスタマイゼーションやIOT(Internet of Things)によるビッグデーター活用に基づく新商品、新サービスの提供が時流になろうとしている今日において、如何にこのような激変する環境変化に対応し、創発的イノベーションと効果的な組織運営に関して研究する。
  • 研究テーマ
    第4次産業革命、ICT、IoT、AI、RPA、創発的イノベーション、Associates Centered Leadership、人格の高潔さ
    昨今、第四次産業革命が急速に進み、本格的にIoT(Internet of Things)、AI(Artificial Intelligence)、RPA(Robotics Process Automation)が導入され、働き方やマジメントの改革など経営・流通のあり方が根本的に変わりつつあります。例えば、インターネット・インダストリーによるマスカスタマイゼーションやIoT(Internet of Things)によるビッグデーター活用に基づく新商品、新サービスの提供、AI技術による物流効率化・サプライチェーンの最適化、RPA(Robotic Process Automation)ツールを活用し業務自動化を推進する業務改革サービスなどが時流になろうとしていています。昨今の環境変化に応じて、如何に最適なAI時代における創発的イノベーションを創出し、いかなるリーダーシップのあり方が望ましいかを研究する。
  • 研究テーマ
    Similarities and Differences between Japanese Culture and Korean Culture
    Japanese Culture, Korean Culture
    Japanese Culture, Korean Culture