
水谷 夏樹

ミズタニ ナツキ  (Mizutani Natsuki)


大阪産業大学 工学部都市創造工学科 教授
博士(工学)(2001年3月 岐阜大学)




  • 野間真拓, 水谷夏樹
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 2022年11月  査読有り責任著者
  • 水谷夏樹, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集H(教育) 76(1) 1-8 2020年1月20日  査読有り
  • 水谷 夏樹
    土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学) 75(2) I_7-I_12 2019年10月17日  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 梅田尋慈, 池本将大
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 72(2) I_919-I_924 2017年11月  査読有り
  • 宮島 昌弘, 水谷 夏樹
    土木学会論文集B1(水工学) 73(4) Ⅰ_727-I_732 2017年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 71(2) I_937-I_942 2015年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 柳 暁輝, 飯野佑樹, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 70(2) I_836-I_840. 2014年  査読有り
    Impact tsunami wave pressure acting on near the bottom of a land structure was measured with high speed video images of fluid motion in front of the structure. The value of the maximum impact pressure reached 10 times that of the hydrostatic pressure. The impact pressure changed with some patterns of the fluid motion. The patterns also changed with Fr number. Under low Fr number conditions, the gauge pressure is composed of the dynamic pressure by the maximum of the fluid velocity and the hydrostatic pressure which depends on the height of fluid raising along the front wall. However, Fr number becomes higher, the gauge pressure is getting equal to the dynamic pressure only. The maximum value of the impact pressure can be fit into the function of 0.5 times square of the velocity.
  • Masanobu Kanaoka, Natsuki Mizutani, Hisashi Matsukawa, Bimal Shrestha, Kohsei Takehara, Tomio Tamano
    Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 635-642 2013年  
    This paper presents model tests on the bearing capacity of foundations during impact loading that simulates the vertical motion of an earthquake. The mechanical behavior of the foundation was measured using strain gauges, the image and PIV analysis, which were performed using super high-speed video camera. The main results of the tests are as follows: The value of settlement of the foundation, when the ultimate impact bearing capacity was generated, was around 0.3mm, and the mechanical behavior of the ground below the foundation was similar to a rigid body. Copyright © 2013 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).
  • 水谷夏樹, 鍛治允啓, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 69(2) I_1401-I_1405 2013年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 鍛治允啓, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 68(2) I_46-I_50 2012年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 鍛治允啓, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 67(2) I_56-I_60 2011年11月  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 佐々木宏治, 金岡正信, 松尾菜央, 玉野富雄
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 66(1) 881-885 2010年  査読有り
    This paper describes the engineering performances of Suiken Dike certified as a heritage site by Wakayama Prefecture. The dike was constructed by using excellent construction techniques in Edo period. Especially, the main part of the dike is covered with many rectangular solid stones like a stone wall of a Japanese castle. The soil part is attached with the stone part. However, a functional role of this composite structure is unknown. We carried out the FEM analyses to study interactive effects between these two parts against wave forces as a coastal dike. A Tsunami wave force and a violent wave force due to a typhoon were used as an external force. It was clarified that the soil part effectively functioned to restrain the stone part rotating to the back side.
  • 水谷夏樹, Edwin A. Cowen, 宮島昌弘
    土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) 65(1) 76-80 2009年  査読有り
  • T. Tamano, M. Kanaoka, K. Takehara, N. Mizutani
    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering 1 356-359 2009年  査読有り
    In this study, impact splitting tests were carried out by loading cylindrical granite specimens horizontally and obtaining the crack propagation velocities by an image analysis using a super-high-speed video camera, which has the fastest frame rate in the world. The relationship between the impulse and the crack propagation velocity indicates that there appears to be a critical state at which the crack propagation velocity does not exceed a certain value even if an increased impulse is applied. The critical value obtained for the granite specimens was 2.6 km/sec. © 2009 IOS Press.
  • Sang-Ho Oh, Natsuki Mizutani, Kyung-Duck Suh
    EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 32(6) 1232-1247 2008年5月  査読有り
    This study presents the results of an experimental investigation of coherent structures generated beneath microscale and large-scale spilling breaking waves. By analyzing PIV velocity data of wind-generated waves that are acquired at three different wind speeds, the similarity and difference in spatio-temporal evolving characteristics of the coherent structures according to the occurrence of the two types of wave breaking are investigated. There have been some researches on the coherent structures that are generated by microscale breaker. However, little has been known about the coherent structures formed underneath large-scale breaking waves. In this study, it is shown that a single strong coherent structure, whose direction of rotation is the same as the wave orbital motion, is formed immediately underneath a large-scale breaking crest. This is different from the processes occurring underneath microscale breakers that produce a series of coherent structures whose direction of rotation is not fixed. However, the overall evolving characteristics of the spatio-temporal evolution of the coherent structures are qualitatively the same between the two wave breaking events. As one of either microscale or large-scale breaker advances across the PIV field of view, the generated coherent structures interact with pre-existing vortices and subsequently disappear or reform in the downwind side of the breaker. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 玉野富雄, 金岡正信, 竹原幸生, 水谷夏樹, 大島賢吾, 江藤剛治
    材料 57(1) 8-11 2008年  査読有り
    In this study, the static and impact splitting tensile tests were carried out by loading the cylindrical mortar/granite specimens horizontally, and the crack propagation velocities were obtained by the image analysis using the ultra high-speed video camera, which is the fastest in the world, developed by Etoh et al.(2003). The correlations between the impulse and the crack propagation velocity indicate that there appears to be a critical state in which the crack propagation velocity does not exceed a certain value even though the increased impulse is applied. The critical value obtained was 2.6km/s for both mortar and granite specimens. Furthermore, crack propagation velocity determined by the image analysis was verified by the dynamic strain analysis.
  • 竹原幸生, 玉野富雄, 金岡正信, 水谷夏樹, 石川博喜, 喜田浩巳, 桐山欣之
    第8 回地盤改良シンポジウム論文集 271-276 2008年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 原大地郎, キム・ビョンイル
    海岸工学論文集 54 136-140 2007年  査読有り
  • 加島寛章, 森信人, 水谷夏樹
    海岸工学論文集 54 56-60 2007年  査読有り
    The two-phase flow measurements using imaging technique for two-dimensional bubble measurements, so called Bubble Tracking Velocimetry (BTV) and PIV were conducted to the surf zone breaking waves. The characteristics of air bubbles in the surf zone such as bubble distributions, bubble size spectra, and turbulent characteristics of fluid velocity were measured with highly temporal and spatial resolutions in the laboratory. The temporal transitions of bubble size spectra were measured and the relationship between the gas and liquid phases were analyzed for the surf zone breaking waves.
  • 水谷夏樹
    海岸工学論文集 53 46-50 2006年  査読有り
    本研究は, 風による波・流れの発達過程を明らかにするために, Level set-CIP法を用いた数値風洞水槽の開発を行ったものである. 静止水面に十分に発達した気流乱流を与えて計算を行った結果, 水面に波長3-5cm程度のリップルが発生し, 内部流速場の結果から, それらが波動ではなく風波のごく初期に発生する渦列に伴う水面変動であることが確認できた. これらの結果は既往の実験結果と定性的に一致するものであり, 本計算モデルの妥当性を示すことができた. また, リップルの発生過程における水面形と気圧・水圧分布の特性との関係についても示すことができ, 今後の運動量輸送過程の解明につながる結果を得ることができた.
  • 玉野富雄, 金岡正信, 水谷夏樹, 大島賢吾, 竹原幸生
    第7 回地盤改良シンポジウム論文集 169-174 2006年  査読有り
  • Oh, S. H, K. D. Suh, N. Mizutani
    Proc. 30th Int. Conf. on Coastal Eng. 251-260 2006年  査読有り
  • SH Oh, N Mizutani, KD Suh, N HashiMoto
    APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 27(4-5) 235-250 2005年8月  査読有り
    The present study describes an experimental investigation of breaking criteria of deepwater wind waves under strong wind action. In a wind wave flume, waves were generated using different wind speeds and measured at different locations to obtain wave trains of no, intermittent, or frequent breaking. Water particle movement and free surface elevation were measured simultaneously using a PIV system and a wave gauge, respectively. For wind waves, not all the waves measured at a fixed location are breaking waves, and the breaking of a larger wave is not guaranteed. However, the larger the wave height, the larger the probability of breaking. In order to take as many breaking waves as possible for the cases of frequent breaking, we used the waves whose heights were close to the highest one-tenth wave height. The experimental results showed that the geometric or kinematic breaking criteria could not explain the occurrence of breaking of wind waves. On the other hand, the vertical acceleration beneath the wave crest was close to the previously suggested limit value, - 0.5g, when frequent breaking of large waves occurred, indicating that the dynamic breaking criterion would be good for discriminating breaking waves under a strong wind action. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • SH Oh, N Mizutani, N Hashimoto, KD Suh
    Coastal Engineering 2004, Vols 1-4 428-440 2005年  査読有り
    The present study describes an experimental investigation of breaking criteria of deepwater wind waves under wind action. In a wind wave flume, waves were generated using different wind speeds and measured at different locations to obtain wave trains of no, intermittent, or frequent breaking. Water particle movement and free surface elevation were measured simultaneously using a PIV system and a wave gauge, respectively. For wind waves, not all the waves measured at a fixed location are breaking waves, and the breaking of a larger wave is not guaranteed. However, the larger the wave height, the larger the probability of breaking. In order to take as many breaking waves as possible for the cases of frequent breaking, we used the waves whose heights were close to the highest one-tenth wave height. ne experimental results showed that the geometric or kinematic breaking criteria could not explain the occurrence of breaking of wind waves. On the other hand, the vertical acceleration beneath the wave crest was close to the previously suggested limit value, -0.5g, when frequent breaking of large waves occurred, indicating that the dynamic breaking criterion would be good for predicting breaking waves under strong wind action.
  • 水谷夏樹, 橋本典明
    海岸工学論文集 51 71-75 2004年  査読有り
    本研究は風洞水槽実験による吹送流の特性について検討を行った.計測には高速ビデオカメラを用いた画像計測法を採用し, PIVによる風波内部速度場の算出を行った.また波高計との同期計測を行い, 波高計直下における流速の鉛直分布を時系列的に抽出することで時間平均による吹送流の分布を求めた.この実験手法の最大の特徴は, トラフレベル以上の吹送流分布を求めることが可能な点であり, 風波の発達が界面下の吹送流分布に影響を及ぼす点について明らかにすることができた.また, トラフレベル以上で輸送される実質の流量が相当量存在することを示し, 吹送流の予測計算において波浪の存在を無視することができないことも併せて明らかとなった.
  • 竹原幸生, 大塚 直, 江藤剛治, 高野保英, 辻本剛三, 水谷夏樹
    海岸工学論文集 50 96-100 2003年  査読有り
    風波発生時における気流と水流の相互作用を解明するために, 画像計測を用いた水表面近傍の気流・水流の同時計測を行った. 本研究では, 著者らが独自に開発した画像計測技術を用いて, 風波が生じた条件下で流れ場の計測を行った. 画像計測上問題となる移動する水表面が存在する場合でも, 水表面極近傍まで流速を計測できる粒子追跡速度計測法 (PTV) を適用した. 白波が生じない範囲で, 3つのケースについて計測を行った. 計測された流速分布図より, 渦度分布, せん断変形分布を求め, それぞれのケースにおける流れ場の特徴的な構造を明らかにした.
  • 大塚 直, 竹原幸生, 水谷夏樹, 辻本剛三, 江藤剛治, 高野保英
    海岸工学論文集 50 86-90 2003年  査読有り
    風波の発達・減衰機構や大気・海洋間の物質輸送等に大きく影響を及ぼす風波のマイクロブレーキング現象を画像解析により解明することを目的としている. 風波のマイクロブレーキング現象は水表面極近傍で生じる微細な現象であり, その流れ場を画像計測するには拡大撮影し, 狭い領域を細かく計測する必要がある. しかしマイクロブレーキングは波動場の状況に大きく左右されるため同時に広く波動場全体を画像計測する必要がある. 本研究では, 複数台のビデオカメラを用いて高解像度に, しかも広い範囲を画像計測する方法を適用し, 高解像度かつ広範囲の画像計測を行った.
  • Natsuki Mizutani, Takashi Yasuda
    Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference 2003- 235-246 2003年  査読有り
    To make clear the relationship between the wave height decay process and the energy dissipation process, internal velocity field after wave breaking was measured using PIV technique, and vorticity and kinetic energy were investigated on the basis of the measured results. It was indicated that the vortices generated at the breaking wave front were separated from the front and were left behind in the wave propagation. Also, those vortices had not only the turbulent kinetic energy but also the ensemble mean kinetic energy. It was made clear that the mean kinetic energy taken out and retained by those vortices largely contributed to the wave height decay process.
  • N Mizutani, N Hashimoto
    Air-flow field over actual wind waves close to water surface was successfully measured using the PIV technique under a strong wind condition where the mean wind speed exceeds 10 m/s. It was found that the air-flow separation and the large-scale vortex are generated in front of breaking wind waves. A magnitude of the large-scale vortex corresponds to the amplitude of the breaking wind wave. The air-flow separation with inverse flow is generated for incipient wave breaking. Airflow separation with inverse flow was obtained in only 6% of all the studied cases, and progressive breaking wind waves without separation was obtained in about 60% of the cases.
  • 水谷夏樹, 佐藤裕司, 橋本典明
    海岸工学論文集 49 61-65 2002年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 業大学)・OH, 佐藤裕司, 橋本典明
    海岸工学論文集 49 81-85 2002年  査読有り
    風洞水槽を用いた詳細な実験を行うとともに, 浅海波浪推算モデルSWANによる計算結果との比較検討を行った. 推算結果は実験結果に対してスペクトル密度のピーク値でおよそ1/2程度, 全体的に広帯域のスペクトル形状であった.また, スペクトル密度のピーク値及びピーク周波数については吹送距離に依存する量であると推察された. こうしたスペクトル形状についての比較に対し, 有義波高及び有義波周期については極めて良好な一致を示し, これらの結果の推察から, SWANが全エネルギーについては良好に輸送するものの, スペクトル形をシャープにするような非線形エネルギー輸送の取り扱いに不備があるという推察に至った.
  • 水谷夏樹, 安田孝志, 武田真典, 水産土木建設技術センター
    海岸工学論文集 48 36-40 2001年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 安田孝志
    海岸工学論文集 47 151-155 2000年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 安田孝志, 武田真典, 水産土木建設技術センター
    海岸工学論文集 47 156-160 2000年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 水谷夏樹, 板野誠司, エイトコンサルタント, 井坂健司, 西部義彦, 小林智尚
    海岸工学論文集 47 441-445 2000年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 水谷夏樹, 板野誠司, エイトコンサルタント, 井坂健司, 川越雄太, 小野田 武
    海岸工学論文集 47 106-110 2000年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 安田孝志, 小笠原敏記, 井坂健司, 多田彰秀, 福本 正
    海岸工学論文集 46 121-125 1999年  査読有り
  • 水谷夏樹, 安田孝志, 小笠原敏記
    海岸工学論文集 46 156-160 1999年  査読有り
  • Yasuda, T, Gifu University, H. Mutsuda(Hiroshima University, N. Mizutani(Osaka, Sangyo University, H. Matsuda(Hokkaido, Pref. Go
    Coastal Engineering Journal 41(3&4) 269-280 1999年  査読有り
  • T Yasuda, H Mutsuda, N Mizutani
    COASTAL ENGINEERING 29(3-4) 317-346 1997年1月  査読有り
    Numerical simulations using a full-nonlinear BIM (Boundary Integral Method) potential-theory wave model are carried out to study the internal velocity and acceleration fields of an solitary wave overturning on a reef with vertical face (submerged breakwater) and their relation to breaker type. The simulations make it clear that the jet size normalized by the incident wave height is uniquely governed by the crown height of the reef, while the jet shape is similar and independent of the size. Further, they reveal that the overall internal kinematics of overturning waves is clearly related to the jet size. As the jet size increases and the breaker type changes from spilling to plunging, the kinematics thus become increasingly different from those of steady waves. Water particles with the greatest velocities or accelerations within the wave converge towards the jet. After the breaking, both of the velocities and accelerations almost simultaneously reach extreme values near locations beneath the jet. Some of the extreme values are closely related to the breaker type and can be uniquely determined by substituting the breaker type index into the regression equations suggested here.
  • 水谷夏樹, 中島 等(アルファ水工コンサルタンツ
    海岸工学論文集 44 366-370 1997年  
  • 安田孝志, 水谷夏樹, 陸田秀実, 多田彰秀
    海岸工学論文集 43 76-80 1996年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 陸田秀実, 水谷夏樹, 業, 大屋敦嗣, 多田彰秀, 福本 正
    海岸工学論文集 43 786-790 1996年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 陸田秀実, 水谷夏樹, 業, 大屋敦嗣, NTT Communication, 多田彰秀
    海岸工学論文集 42 51-55 1995年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 陸田秀実, 水谷夏樹, 業, 大屋敦嗣, NTT Communication, 榊原幸雄
    海岸工学論文集 42 56-60 1995年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 陸田秀実, 水谷夏樹, 業, 大屋敦嗣, NTT Communications, 多田彰秀, 福本 正
    海岸工学論文集 42 61-65 1995年  査読有り
  • 安田孝志, 陸田秀実, 水谷夏樹
    海岸工学論文集 41 166-170 1994年  査読有り












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