服部泰宏, 矢寺顕行
横浜国立大学ワーキングペーパーシリーズ, (326), Jun, 2015
Based on valuation studies, valuation of human resource has double means - process of assessment (human resource undergo judgement of value) and process of value creation (human resource are produced to be of value). In this paper, we conducted a case study in Sanko-seika corporation. This case provides illustration of how both one recruitment practice (the way of doing the valuation) might have re-ordering human resources and how the making of the valuations performs certain orders that needs to change if the way of doing the valuation is to change. Also, the new recruitment practice (“cafeteria-recruitment”) entailed a changing the meaning of “first-class applicant”. In this point of view, human resource value is seen as the outcomes of a process of social work and the result of activities that aim at making things valuable.