足立 崇, 西垣 安比古
日本建築学会計画系論文集 64(第522号) 321-327 1999年
The Yami have the highly valued main post (tomok). This report attempts to elucidate the order of place in the Yami's dwelling main house (vahay) through the place (domavak) where 'tomok' is erected. For the Yami, 'domavak' is set as the original place to dwell between sea and mountain. We can understand that 'domavak' is founded on 'tomok' and mountain as the immovable center, and it is regulated by sea-direction and mountain-direction. At the 'domavak', the Yami are satisfied themselves of their center, and, at the same time, they stand on the tension between sea and mountain.