Shohei Kitazawa(Osaka, Sangyo University, Tetsuya Kaneko(Osaka, Sangyo Universirty
Proc. FAST-zero 2017 Symposium 2017年9月
Autonomous vehicle technology is expected to solve several road traffic issues. Therefore, this technology is receiving increased attention, and several relevant experiments are being conducted. The focus of the study involves an autonomous vehicle algorithm that simulates an expert driver's maneuvering in detail. The study describes the development and verification of target trajectory and longitudinal control target generation. The proposed algorithm consists of a driver model that considers risk potential and a vehicle dynamics model. This algorithm is validated through simulations by using a vehicle dynamics model with multiple degrees of freedom considering mutual accordance in mixed traffic conditions. The results indicated that the risk potential driver model formulates risk feel from any traffic objects and other vehicles. Additionally, the results confirmed that a human driving maneuver can be expressed by the control target calculation algorithm.