Curriculum Vitaes

Michiya Kato

  (加藤 道也)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Osaka Sangyo University
BA in Economics,(Keio University)
学士 (経済学)(慶応義塾大学)
MA in Economics (Economic Policy),(Keio University)
修士 [経済学 (経済政策専攻) ](慶應義塾大学)
PhD in Economic History,(University of Birmingham (UK))
PhD in Economic History (経済史博士)(University of Birmingham (英国バーミンガム大学))

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID


  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 23(2) 85-111, Mar, 2022  Peer-reviewed
    After graduating from Sapporo Agricultural School, KOMAI Tokuzo joined South Manchurian Railway Co., Ltd. and was assigned to the Regional Department. He actively engaged in several investigative studies of Manchuria. As the first Director of the General Affairs Agency of Manchukuo, he played a key role in the early governance of the 'colony' after the Manchurian Incident. One finds suggestions for Japan's continental policy in reports based on surveys during his tenure and autobiographical writings published after retirement. This paper examines KOMAI's writings and attempts to clarify the perceptions of colonial rule held by Japanese bureaucrats.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 22(1) 35-60, Oct, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    OUCHI Ushinosuke, a Graduate of Shule des Vereins für deutsche Wissenschaften, (The German Studies Society School) held several key Bureaucratic Positions in Colonial Taiwan and Kwanto Leased Territory with GOTO Shimpei. He wrote numerous Books and Reports on Japanese Colonial Rule and his Opinions of how it should be conducted. This Paper examines OUCHI's Writings and attempts at clarifying the Perceptions of Colonial Rule held by Japanese Bureaucrats and its Reality in Prewar Japan.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 21(2・3) 1-28, Jul, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    The Japanese Colonial Bureaucrat, YOSHIMURA Gentaro, who worked for the Colonial Bureau established in 1917, wrote numerous Reports on the British Colonial Policy. In one of his Reports entitled, ''Eiteikoku no Toitsu Mondai'' (Problems of British Imperial Unity), he researched the situation of the British Empire and the Debates concerning the Relation between the Britain and her Dominions. This Paper aims to clarify how he understood the British Empire and the Governance of Dominions.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 21(1) 1-30, Oct, 2019  Peer-reviewed
    YOSHIMURA Gentaro, who was in charge of the Japanese Colonial Policy at the Government General of Kwantung Leased Territory in the prewar period. After retiring from his post, he wrote Nan'a renpo-ron (A Study of the Union of South Africa) and in it, he analyzed the British colonia policy and its effects from the historical perspective. By a perusal of YOSHIMURA's work, this paper attempts to clarify how he understood British rule and governance of South Africa.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 19(2) 25-57, Mar, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    YOSHIMURA Gentaro was a colonial bureaucrat who was engaged in the Colonial Bureau after he had retired from the Japanese Government Bureau of Kwantung Leased Teritory. He published two reports on the independence movement in Colonial India. In these reports, he criticized not only the British rule in India but also the extremists in the independence movement and insisted that Home Rule was the most preferable answer for both British Empire and Colonial India although he had a very pessimistic view on it.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 12(2) 59-95, Feb, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    YOSHIMURA Gentaro was a colonial bureaucrat who served at the Home Office, the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, and the Japanese Government-General of Kwantung Leased Territory from 1899 to 1914. From 1917, he was engaged in the Colonial Bureau and published two reports on Egypt: ''Egyptian Problems'' (1921) and ''Irish and Egyptian Problems'' (1922). In these reports, he criticized fundamentally the British rule in Egypt because the British policy in Egypt, based on the paternalistic view, failed to handle the independence movement by the Egyptian people. Although YOSHIMURA criticezed the British rule in Egypt, it does not necessaryily mean that he was critical with the imperialism itself. Rather he believed that Japan should take more leadership in Asia in order to protect Asia from 'unfair intervention' by the Western Powers. His views on the colonial rule, in my opinion, were in line with the colonial policy adopted by the Japanese government at the time.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University,Journal of Economics, 12(1) 55-93, Sep, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    YOSHIMURA Gentaro,an government official serving in the Japanese Government General of Kanto Leased Territory surveyed the British colonial situations including Ireland. He observed the Irish situation under British control and had the important lessons from it. His conclusion was that British governnance of Ireland should be seen as a failure because it lacked the mutual trust. He criticized severely the way of British governnance of Ireland but did not deny the colonial rule itself. He rather interpreted the Japanese colonian rule as an antidote against the western expansion to Asia and Japan should tale a more leading role in Asia.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University, Journal of Economics, 11(3) 43-83, Jun, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    TOKINAGA Urazo, an exective bureaucrat of Government-General of Korea, was appointed as Director of Home Office of Ohita Prefecture in October 1922. TOKINAGA was famous for his research on the Korean and the Irish Independence Movement. He traveled in the Inited States and Europe including Britain where the Irish Immigrants fought for their country's freedom. His main interest was how Japanese officials could rule Koreans who were not satisfied with the Japanese colonial rule. At that time, the Japanese government tried to share the way of governance both in Inland and the colonies through personnel exchanges between the Home Office and the Government-General of Korea. Several distinctive Home Office's bureaucrats were appointed as the executive staffs in Korea, but the bureaucrats of Government-General of Korea rarely had appointments in Inland Japan as administrative staffs. TOKINAGA's case was the rare one. In this paper, we try to show its meaning through TOKINAGA's career and to clarify the personnel relationship between Inland Japan and Colonial Korea.
  • Michiya KATO
    Annual Research Bulletin of Osaka Sangyo University, No.2 69-101, Mar, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    The Japanese central government and its local authorities undertook public works as a response to rising unemployment like most European countries including Britain between the wars. The approach was in line with the recommendation of the International Labour Conference in 1919 which stated that 'the Conference recommends that each Member of the International Labour Organisation co-ordinate the execution of all work undertaken under public authority with a view to reserving such work as far as practicable for periods of unemployment'. In interwar Britain, the role of the unemployment relief works remained very limited. On the other hand, Japanese unemployment relief works remained central to the Japanese government's response in the absence of any compulsory unemployment insurance scheme. In this paper, we try to clarify what was unique to Japan's unemployment relief works policy and what was common with the unemployment relief works between Britain and Japan in the interwar years.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 11(2) 63-102, Jan, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    TOKINAGA Urazo, an official of Japanese Government-General of Korea, visited the United States in 1919 in order to investigate the Korean Independence Movement in the US. He wrote the Report on it in 1920 and the Japanese Government-General of Korea edited it for internal use. In the Report, TOKINAGA compared the Korean Independence Movement with the Irish one and at the same time, considered its influence in the international context. As a result, he concluded that the influence of the Korean Independence Movement in the US was quite limited unlike the Irish one and the Japanese Government-General of Korea was able to keep Colonial Korea under the Japanese rule.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 11(1) 123-155, Sep, 2009  Peer-reviewed
    TOKINAGA Urazo, an official serving for thirteen years between 1910 and 1922 in the Japanese Government-General of Korea, visited the US and Europe to study and understand the influence of self-determination advocated by President T.W.Wilson in relation to the Koreans under Japanese rule during World War I. He observed the situation of Ireland under British control and compared its aspects with the Japanese rule over Korea. His conclusion was that Japanese colonial rule of Korea was totally different from the British governance of Ireland. Although he thought that the British were cruel and suppressive, on several points there was a need for the Japanese Government-General of Korea to learn important lessons from the British failure to establish order in Ireland.
  • Michiya KATO
    Annual Research Bulletin of Osaka Sangyo University, No.1 77-103, Nov, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    In the interwar years, government officials of Japan began to express concerns about the absence of any specific unemployment data and were receptive to the recommendation of the International Labour Office that the problem of unemployment should be subject to systematic investigation. Two surveys were conducted by the government. Unemployment Statistical Survey of 1925 and the 1930 Census, but they just revealed relatively low unemployment rates. Contemporary critics knew that the data failed to capture issues such as over-employment and the capacity of many individuals out of work to escape any survey count. There was some official recognition of such deficiencies in the decision from 1929 to initiate monthly returns on the numbers unemployed in each prefecture. On the basis of the available evidence, we have drawn attention to the paucity of contemporary data, how it lead to spasmodic attempts at improving the unemployment count and to the sources of monthly data upon which aggregate figures were produced and have been used internationally by labour organization or scholars since which distorted the reality of Japan's interwar unemployment.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 9(1) 37-60, Oct, 2007  Peer-reviewed
    In the interwar years, Japan shared a concern to many many Western industrialized nations to seek balance of payments and employment stability on the basis of a gold standard system at the pre-war parity. In order to do so, governments introduced a mild deflationary policy but only to be suffered from stagnation of economy and employment. The combination of the Manchurian Incident and the Britain's decision to abandon the gold standard convinced Japan that maintaining the pre-war gold par was impossible and in December 1931, the Japanese gold standard was abandoned. After 1932, military expenditure of employment and it effected on employment of the skilled workers. But the improvement of production reversed the shock absorber effect of the agricultural sector pushing casual workers into industrial cities.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 7(1) 75-93, Oct, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we try to clarify the significance of migration policy and its changing character in the interwar period in relation to unemployment problem. It started to emigrate Japanese to other countries but couldn't succeed. After 1925, Unemployment Relief Works began to ameriorate unemployment problem but it just deteriorate situation because Korean immigrants occupied considerable proportion in the scheme unexpectedly. Therefore, the government at that time tried to emigrate Korean people, who tended to immigrate to mainland Japan, to Manchuria in order to reduce the pressure of over-population in mainland Japan. When 'Manchukuo' was created in 1932, this trend was enforced. As a result, this policy influenced on the Asian labour market in the great extent and changed the nature of it.
  • Michiya KATO
    Research Bulletin of Ohtsuki City College, (36) 1-19, Mar, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    Under the chronic recession in the 1920s, industrial rationalization through the reorganization of production process and improvement of technology was pursued in Japan under the influence of Germany and the United States. In this paper, we examined the relationship between industrial rationalization and unemployment, and concluded that various reforms were taken place in the name of industrial rationalization, but it meant for the government, the cartelization policy, for entrepreneurs, the reduction of production costs such as wages and working hours. It was revealed that they were not effective as a measure against unemployment because they did not mean anything beyond their own intentions and there was no consensus among them.
  • Michiya KATO
    Osaka Sangyo University Journal of Economics, 6(2) 87-104, Feb, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    The Japanese government, which had predicted the arrival of a recession after World War I, was researching and studying the unemployment policies working in the Western countries. There has been a lot of lively debates about the unemployment insurance system which was central to unemployment policy among many countries. This paper examines the pros and cons of the unemployment insurance system discussed in the Social Affairs Bureau or among the entrepreneurs by using the documents at that time, the internal materials of the government, thesis published at the same period, etc. and clarified why Japan did not introduced the compulsory unemployment insurance system unlike the many western countries and did what kind of system in place of it.
  • Michiya KATO
    University of Birmingham, PhD Thesis, Aug, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    Japan experienced an unprecedented economic boom during World War I and became one of the members of the developed countries at that time, but she faced the unemployment problem at the arrival of the global recession following the end of the war. The recession that came after prosperity highlighted social problems that had not been taken seriously until then. Japan faced the absence of any systematic unemployment policies equivalent to its international status, and it sought to introduce the systems of the United Kingdom etc. when the International Labor Organization recommended to establish proper unemployment policies. Public debate was made on how to harmonize the recommendation and the present situation of Japan. By using the historical documents at that time, I clarified how Japanese government tried to introduce the unemployment policies already working in Europe and the United States in a form that suits Japan under the rapidly changing international economic environment.
  • Michiya KATO
    Mita Journal of Economics (Mita Gakkai Zasshi), 89(4) 119-142, 1997  Peer-reviewed
    The 19th century potters were searching for a way to self-help in order to reduce the risk of poverty when they became unable to work under the changing domestic and international market trends. There were two types of trade unions at that time, the ‘New Model Union’ which pursued the industrial arbitration and conciliation and the ‘Old Union’ which fought against entrepreneurs to realize their demands. In this paper, I examined the pottery industry’s trade unions and showed that there was also a ‘Third Type Union’ which was not applicable to the above two types.


  • KATO Michiya
    Eire, 40 142-144, Mar, 2021  
    Prewar Japanese colonial bureaucrats referred to British colonial rule in order to gain "practical wisdom" to help Japanese colonial rule. They saw British colonial rule as a kind of "ideal form" that could balance "freedom" and "unification," but Irish rule as a "failure." This is because the "trust" was not established there. Colonial bureaucrats scrutinized the Irish problem as a reference that should be avoided to achieve stable rule in the Japanese Colonies.
  • Michiya KATO
    12(2) 233-234, Feb, 2011  
  • Michiya KATO
    Working Paper Series, Keio-GSEC Project on Frontier CRONOS:Research on Risk Communication and Management based on CRONOS Authoring Tool, No.04(010), Dec, 2004  Invited
    The unemployment insurance system was a representative policy by the industrialized nations of the time against mass unemployment that became a serious problem in the 1920s and 1930s. However, in Japan, it was not established until 1947, and it was thought that Japanese policy makers were not positive about establishing a social security system like the unemployment insurance system. In fact, the Japanese government at the time was cautious about establishing such system because the European countries which had such systems had shown that the unemployment insurance system could lead to a financial crisis. Entrepreneurs opposed to the unemployment insurance system because of a possible negative impact on the labor-management relationship. It is not well known that debates for establishing a compulsory unemployment insurance system like European countries by the progressive bureaucrats of the Social Affairs Bureau. This report focuses on the arguments by such bureaucrats in interwar Japan and emphasizes its significance.

Books and Other Publications

  • Toshihiko MATSUDA (Role: Joint author)
    (Shibunkaku Shuppan), Feb, 2019 (ISBN: 9784784219650)
    This book is a compilation of the results of the research project, "Knowledge and Power in the Japanese Colonial Empire" at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. In a paper entitled ‘The Colonial Bureaucrats’ Recognitions of Colonial Rule: From the Viewpoint of Knowledge and Power’ (pp. 489-522), I analyzed the backgrounds, writings, and reports of the three bureaucrats of Government- General of Taiwan, Japanese Government Bureau of Kwantung Leased Territory, and Government-General of Korea, that is Ushinosuke OUCHI, Gentaro YOSHIMURA, and Urazo TOKINAGA and revealed what kind of knowledge Japan had learned from the colonial rule of Germany and Britain in the prewar period and introduced it for her own colonial rule.
  • Michiya KATO (Role: Editor)
    (Daito City Board of Education), Mar, 2016
    Shoya Documents in Shinden Village are a group of documents derived from Nakajima family who served as a headman at Shinden Village, Matta-gun, Kawachi-koku, and consist of various letters as well as public documents such as Residents Register, Tax Records, etc. It is an extremely valuable document group to know the situation of pre-modern rural areas. Until now, various historical collections and catalogs have been published by the former editors appointed by the Daito City. Succeeding their works, I selected the unpublished historical documents which revealed ‘changing lives in the village’ and ‘the village's regional collaboration with surrounding rural communities’ and explained their significance.
  • Michiya KATO, Hiroshi KITAMI, Shinichi TAKAGAMI (Role: Editor)
    (The Institute for Industrial Research of Osaka Sangyo University), Mar, 2013
    This book is a compilation of research results of the Osaka Sangyo University Joint Research Organization ‘Interdisciplinary Research on Asia's Society, Economy, and Culture’ conducted from 2006 to 2010. As a chief researcher of the organization, I summarized the importance of ‘Building Asian Awareness by Dialogue with the Past’, which is a common recognition of this research, in the ‘Foreword’ (pp.i-ii). I also made it clear, in Chapter 1, a colonial bureaucrat’s view on the Japanese colonial rule. (pp. 1-134)
  • Tsuneyoshi TAKEUCHI (Role: Joint author)
    (Nakanishiya Shuppan), Mar, 2012 (ISBN: 9784779506420)
    In Chapter 5 "A Colonial Bureaucrat's Perception on Asia" (pp. 120-p. 155), I analyzed a colonial bureaucrat’s career and his writings and clarified how he recognized Asia.
  • Takafumi UZUHASHI (Role: Joint author)
    (Nakanishiya Shuppan), Jun, 2009 (ISBN: 9784779503351)
    In Chapter 5, ‘Social Security and Labor Market in Japan’, (pp.85-98), I criticized the structural reform policy under the Koizumi administration because it weakened the social security’s function and worsened the situation of the labor market by the policy.

Research Projects



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