
和多田 遼

ワタダ リョウ  (WATADA RYO)


大阪産業大学 デザイン工学部建築・環境デザイン学科 准教授






  • Ryo Watada, Makoto Ohsaki
    Journal of Mechanical Design 145(11) 2023年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Deployable structures composed of hinge joints (revolute joints) with inclined axis have a potential to realize a rich variety of deformation with a small number of members, which enables it to be lightweight with low risk of failure. In this article, a systematic method is proposed to obtain new hinge-jointed structures that have N-dihedral symmetry and can be folded into a straightly bundled shape. The proposed structure, which we call N-gonal multilayer symmetric revolute linkage (N-MLSRL), is composed of some layers. Each layer is an assemblage of 2N bars and 2N inclined hinges, which can be deformed from a regular 2N-gonal frame into an entirely straight rod shape, which is a generalization of a 4-bar Bennett linkage. For the case N is less than or equal to 3, the N-MLSRL has a single degree-of-freedom. For an application to design of deployable structures, a method is introduced to generate the structure expanded to a predefined target surface of revolution. For designing the realistic detail considering the finite sizes of the joints, a technique called hinge offsets is used. The proposed method is applied to a horn-shaped structure, a ball-shaped structure, and a dome-shaped structure as its numerical examples. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by a physical model of a dome-shaped structure including hinge offsets.
  • 和多田遼, 木下拓也, 西村俊彦, 高田明伸
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 84(764) 1355-1365 2019年10月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 和多田 遼
    京都大学大学院工学研究科 博士論文 2019年3月  
    剛な梁要素からなる剛接合骨組の一部の接合部を,任意方向に傾斜したヒンジ軸で置換してできるメカニズム(骨組メカニズム)を定義し,同メカニズムが工学的に有用な有限メカニズム(大変形時にもひずみエネルギーを生じないメカニズム)であるための条件について論じている.学術論文「Series expansion method for determination of order of 3-dimensional bar-joint mechanism with arbitrary inclined hinges」「ヒンジ接合を有する正2N角形骨組を用いた展開構造物」「Group theoretic approach to large-deformation property of three-dimensional bar-hinge mechanism」の内容を,変形特性判別法として体系的に整理したものである.
  • Ryo Watada, Makoto Ohsaki
    AIJ Journal of Technology and Design 25 123-128 2019年2月1日  
    © 2019 Architectural Institute of Japan. All Rights Reserved. Deployable structures are presented using regular 2N -gonal frames, which have 2N bars connected with two types of inclined revolute joints. Series expansion method shows that the frames satisfy a necessary condition for finite mechanism. The frame can be folded to a state where all bars are aligned to a rod, if the cross-section of all bars is an isosceles triangle whose vertex angle is π /N and the axes of the revolute joints are directed to the intersection of lateral faces of two adjacent bars. As an application, a dome-shaped structure that can be folded into a rod is proposed.
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI, Yoshihiro KANNO
    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 36(1) 177-208 2019年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 和多田遼, 大崎純
    日本建築学会技術報告集 25(59) 123-128 2019年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yuma Saito, Ryo Watada, Takashi Oshima, Takuya Kinoshita, Ikuya Hanaoka
    IASS Symposium 2019 - 60th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures; Structural Membranes 2019 - 9th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, FORM and FORCE 930-937 2019年  
    The Roppongi 7-Chome Project is a small-scale showroom building in Roppongi, Tokyo. The design concept is based on an image of future life and involves a building composed of translucent walls and roofs. With this concept in mind, we designed a space using a structural system called a mesh structure. The mesh structure is composed of panels fabricated from steel flat bars, and it forms a lattice shape. The panels are braced to ensure planar rigidity and for reinforcement against buckling. We performed topology optimization for the brace layout considering fabrication constraints, and we ensured that the brace layout within the mesh structure can be automated while reflecting the designer's plans. As a result, the design concept was successfully realized in a short time.
  • Ryo Watada, Takuya Kinoshita, Toshihiko Nishimura, Akinobu Takada
    Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering 84(764) 1355-1365 2019年  
    The study of fire resistance of unprotected concrete-filled tubular columns subjected to double curvature bending is performed by finite element analysis. Validity of the result obtained through study is verified by comparing the previous experimental results. Elongation and local buckling of the steel tube are considered during the increase in temperature. Under the double curvature bending, uneven and concentrated distribution of axial stress occurs in the concrete following the buckling of the steel tube. In this study it is shown that the transient strain of the concrete makes the concentration more intensive, which leads to collapse of the column.
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    International Journal of Solids and Structures 141-142 78-85 2018年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI, Yoshihiro KANNO
    Structural and Multi- disciplinary Optimization 43 459-471 2011年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 和多田遼, 大崎純
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 74(639) 857-863 2009年5月  査読有り筆頭著者


  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of IASS2024 Symposium Paper No. 365 2024年8月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 和多田 遼
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 構造Ⅰ 1001-1002 2023年9月  
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2023, Melbourne, Australia 2023年7月  
  • 和多田遼, 金澤和寿美, 栗原嵩明, 宇佐美徹, 髙山直行, 許斐健太郎, 大崎純, 木村俊明
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 構造III 465-466 2022年9月  
  • 竹岡 里玲英, 大崎 純, 和多田 遼, 堺 雄亮
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 構造Ⅰ 877-878 2022年9月  
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of IASS 2022 Symposium affiliated with APCS 2022 conference, Beijing, China 2294-2301 2022年8月  
  • Ryo WATADA, Yuma SAITO, Takuya KINOSHITA, Takashi OSHIMA
    Proceedings of IASS Symposium 2019, Barcelona, SPAIN, Metal Spatial Structures - Design, Detailing and Realizations 1-8(8) 2019年10月  
    コンピュテーショナルデザインツールRhinoceros +Grasshopperを用いて,自動設計の一種である全応力設計を実行するコンポーネントを作成し,同コンポーネントを用いて,ショールームの実施設計におけるブレース配置最適化を行った内容を報告している.
  • 和多田遼, 木下拓也
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集構造I 201-202 2019年9月  
  • 和多田遼, 内山元希, 木下拓也, 藤井英二, 飯野夏輝, 前田周作
    日本建築学会・情報システム技術委員会第41回情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム2018, 報告H39 188-191 2018年12月  
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of 12th Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structure (APCS 2018) No. P0054 2018年10月  
    骨組メカニズムが幾何学的対称性を持つ場合を対象として,この対称性を群論により記述することで,当該骨組が大変形時にもひずみの生じない有限メカニズムであるための十分条件を導出できることを示している.学術論文「 Group theoretic approach to large- deformation property of three-dimensional bar-hinge mechanism」の内容の一部.
  • 和多田遼, 大崎純
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集構造I 945-946 2018年9月  
    学術論文「Group theoretic approach to large- deformation property of three-dimensional bar-hinge mechanism」の内容の一部.
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of IASS Symposium 2018, Boston, USA, International Association of Shell and Spatial Structure No. 270 2018年7月  
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of IASS Symposium 2016, Tokyo, JAPAN, International Association of Shell and Spatial Structure, 2016 No. CS5G-1330 2016年9月  
    剛な梁要素からなる剛接合骨組の一部の接合部を任意方向に傾斜したヒンジ軸で置換してできる不安定機構(骨組メカニズム)を提案し,同骨組が大変形時にもひずみを生じない有限メカニズムであるための必要条件を,級数展開により導出する手法を考案している.学術論文「Series expansion method for determination of order of 3-dimensional bar-joint mechanism with arbitrary inclined hinges」の内容の一部.
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI, Yoshihiro KANNO
    Proceedings of 6th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM6), Kyoto, Japan , 2010. No. J28 2010年6月  
    軸対称性な形状を持つ連続体構造物のSIMP法によるトポロジー最適化において,モデルの幾何学的対称性が変化する過程を,ペナライゼーションパラメータに関する感度解析により説明し,感度係数行列の固有値解析により対称性変化の唯一性について考察を行った.学術論文「Non-uniqueness and Symmetry of Optimal Topology of a shell for Minimum Compliance」の内容の一部.
  • Ryo WATADA, Makoto OHSAKI
    Proceedings of 9th Asian Pacific Conf. on Shell and Spatial Structure. (APCS 2009) 74(639) 841-847 2009年5月  












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