Curriculum Vitaes

Hideaki Tanimoto

  (谷本 英彰)

Profile Information

Lecturer, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Osaka Sangyo University

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  • Tri Ani Hastuti, Sugeng Purwanto, Ismail Gani, Pasca Tri Kaloka, Hideaki Tanimoto
    Retos, 58 592-597, Aug 8, 2024  
    Trainers are incredibly influential persons who help to produce exceptional athletes in school's extracurricular martial arts programs. Self-efficacy is a key indicator of trainer competence in the process of training extracurricular martial arts sports. The objectives of this study are to 1) determine the differences in the levels of self-efficacy of martial arts trainers in secondary schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta based on gender, and 2) determine the differences in the levels of self-efficacy of martial arts trainers in secondary schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta based on training licenses.This research is a comparative study. This study involved 56 martial arts trainers who taught extracurricular martial arts in secondary schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study's data was collected via a questionnaire. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data on martial arts trainers' self-efficacy. The questionnaire consists of ten statements with responses on a range of 1 to 5. Experts reviewed the questionnaire, which was empirically validated for validity and reliability. The independent sample t test was used to analyze the data, which was preceded by data precursor tests such as the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the Levene's Test of variance homogeneity. The independent sample t test analysis of self-efficacy levels based on gender resulted in a significant value of 0.946 > 0.05. These findings suggest that there is no difference in self-efficacy between male and female trainers. The Independent sample t-test study of self-efficacy based on training licenses results in a significance value of 0.032 < 0.05. These findings indicate there is a difference in self-efficacy levels between trainers with national and local licenses. These findings may assist trainers, administrators, and policymakers establish better training programs.Keywords: Self efficacy, extracurricular, martial arts, gender, coaching license
  • Hideaki Tanimoto, Soni Nopembri, Saryono Saryono, Rizki Mulyawan, Pasca Tri Kaloka
    Journal of Physical Education, 35(1), Aug 5, 2024  Peer-reviewedLead author
    The purpose of this study was to examine the its effectiveness and problems to be addressed in the future of holding an Undokai, a traditional Japanese school sports event, at an Indonesian junior high school. The five competitions held as a part of it were “Beanbag Toss”, “Long Jump Rope”, “Tug of War”, “Centipede Race”, and “Backcrossing Race,” of the which the “Tug of War” was the most popular. When the students were surveyed about their experiences and the learning benefits from the Undokai, they generally gave high marks to many categories, such as Emotional Experiences, Improvement of Skills, and Cooperative Learning, but their low ratings for Goal-Oriented Learning indicated the need to improve the way students practice activities individually before their engagement in Undokai.
  • Pasca Tri Kaloka, Dennis Dwi Kurniawan, Putri Prastiwi Wulandari, Hideaki Tanimoto
    SPORTS SCIENCE AND HEALTH, 28(1) 28-35, Jul, 2024  
  • Hari Yuliarto, Pasca Tri Kaloka, Putri Prastiwi Wulandari, Hideaki Tanimoto
    Fizjoterapia Polska, 24(1) 192-198, Mar 22, 2024  
    Study Purpose. The current investigation assessed the impact of hybrid nonlinear pedagogical models on skill acquisition and communication in physical education.Methods. The intervention group was instructed in physical education applying hybrid pedagogical models for a duration of 12 weeks. Conversely, the control groups adhered to the physical education curricula of their respective schools. Scales for skill acquisition and communication, which had been previously developed for use with students, were implemented both prior to and subsequent to the program. Comparing the two groups required the application of paired sample t-tests, two-way and one-way analyses of variance, and a Pearson correlation analysis.Results. In comparison to the control group, the intervention group demonstrated a substantial increase in communication and skill acquisition, according to the research findings. Enhancement of communication proficiency is observed in individuals who receive instruction through invasion game learning utilizing nonlinear pedagogy. The aforementioned conclusions are supported by the outcomes of paired sample t-tests, two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and one-way ANOVA: F < 0.05 (F = 0.000 < 0.05) and ρ < 0.05 (ρ = 0.000 < 0, 05) respectively. Additionally, the Skill Acquisition ability exhibited an improvement subsequent to receiving the intervention based on nonlinear pedagogy and invasion game learning. The significance of this is supported by the outcomes of the paired sample t-tests, two-way ANOVA, and one-way ANOVA: F < 0.05 (F = 0.000 < 0.05) and ρ < 0.05 (ρ = 0.000 < 0.05), respectively.Conclusions. The integration of hybrid nonlinear pedagogical models into physical education instruction through invasion games may facilitate students' communication development and skill acquisition. The results of this study provide motivation for physical education instructors to implement instructional techniques. Additionally, research is conducted into the effects of nonlinear pedagogy
  • 谷本英彰
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, 46 47-58, Nov, 2022  
  • 谷本英彰, 正見こずえ, 露口亮太, 信江彩加, 嶋田愛
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, 45 95-106, Jul, 2022  
  • 谷本英彰
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, 42 179-190, Jun, 2021  
  • Nishida,Junichi, Hashimoto,Kimio, Kiuchi,Atsushi, Tsutsumi,Toshihiko, Yamamoto,Koji, Tanimoto,Hideaki
    International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 17 197-216, 2019  
    <p>Maladaptation to university life by undergraduates has often been reported in recent years. Therefore, improvements in the provision of support for student is urgently required. Previous studies have indicated that physical education (PE) classes might provide effective opportunities for improving students' adjustment to universities. The purposes of this study were to develop a scale for quantitatively evaluating perceived benefits of PE in university students and to verify its reliability and validity. Then, the effects of perceived benefits of PE on adjustment to university life were examined by using this scale. A questionnaire survey was conducted with university freshmen (n=2,412) that were enrolled in four-year universities and were taking PE classes. The survey questions consisted of items for developing the assessment scale, and a school adjustment scale. The "Perceived Benefits Scale of university First-Year PE classes (PBS-FYPE)" through exploratory factor analysis. The scale consisted of following sub-scales: "Acquisition of motor skills and training methods," "Understanding the importance of cooperative play and improvement of communication skills," "Stress c
  • Nishida Jun-ichi, Hashimoto Kimio, Kiuchi Atsushi, Tsutsumi Toshihiko, Yamamoto Koji, Tanimoto Hideaki
    Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences), 61(2) 537-554, 2016  
    Maladaptation to university life by undergraduates has often been reported in recent years. Therefore, improvements in the provision of support for students is urgently required. Previous studies have indicated that physical education (PE) classes might provide effective opportunities for improving students' adjustment to university. The purposes of this study were to develop a scale for quantitatively evaluating the perceived benefits of PE in university students and to verify its reliability and validity. The effects of perceived benefits of PE on adjustment to university life were then examined using this scale. A questionnaire survey was conducted with university freshmen (n=2,412) who were enrolled in four-year universities and were taking PE classes. The survey questions consisted of items for developing the assessment scale, and a school adjustment scale. The &ldquo;Perceived Benefits Scale in university First-Year PE classes (PBS-FYPE)&rdquo; were developed resulted in exploratory factor analysis. The scale consisted of the following sub-scales: &ldquo;Acquisition of exercise skills and training methods,&rdquo; &ldquo;Understanding the importance of cooperative play and improvement in communication skills,&rdquo; &ldquo;Stress coping and arousal of positive feelings,&rdquo; &ldquo;Improvements in physical strength and physical activities,&rdquo; and &ldquo;Establishment of regular lifestyles.&rdquo; Subsequent analyses confirmed the adequate internal consistency and criterion-related validity of the scale, as well as its reliability and validity. Next, the effects of the perceived benefits of PE on adjustment to university life were examined by multiple group structural equation modeling for students taking part in individual and team sporting events. The results indicated that &ldquo;sense of comfort&rdquo; was relatively well explained in both groups by the value of the explanatory variables. Moreover, higher scores for &ldquo;Understanding the importance of cooperative play and improvement in communication skills&rdquo; were associated with a higher scores for &ldquo;sense of comfort&rdquo;. This effect was stronger for team events than for individual events. Finally, the limits of this study and future issues including the investigation of factors related to the scale and the necessity for longitudinal research were discussed.<br>
  • 西田順一, 橋本公雄, 木内敦詞, 谷本英彰, 福地豊樹, 上條 隆, 鬼澤陽子, 中雄勇人, 木山慶子, 新井淑弘, 小川正行
    体育学研究,60(1), 60(1) 27-39-39, 2015  
    In Japan, not many people exercise habitually. Physical education (PE) in universities would be expected to contribute to the development of active lifestyles by facilitating lifelong habits of exercise and sports. This study extracted the perceived benefits of PE in universities using text mining. A questionnaire survey was conducted among university freshmen (N=989, men=656, women=331). The questionnaire inquired about basic attributes, including sex, age, and exercise habits, and requested free descriptions about the perceived benefits of PE at universities. The mean age of the participants was 19.1 years. The results indicated that approximately 30% exercised regularly. Words that appeared frequently in free descriptions regarding the perceived benefits of PE in universities were analyzed using morphological analysis, and 18 keywords were identified, including "make or can," "friends," and "enjoyable". Based on these keywords, the following 10 categories of perceived benefits of exercise were extracted: formation and development of friendship, an increase in the frequency of exercise, feeling of enjoyment, increase in physical strength, improvement in communication skills, improvement in life habits, attaining and improving movement skills, understanding exercise methods and rules, understanding the importance of team play, and stress reduction. Furthermore, differences based on sex, as well as sport and exercise habits, were also examined. The results indicated that the frequency of the following categories was higher in women than in men: formation and development of friendship and a feeling of enjoyment. Students without regular exercise habits indicated a higher frequency of "increase in the frequency of taking exercise," compared to those with exercise habits. The above results suggest the need for planning and enforcing PE programs in universities, as this would seem to promote lifelong exercise habits and participation in sport. Furthermore, perceived benefits of PE in universities should be complemented and increased, according to sex and individual exercise habits. Moreover, students should be taught the importance of exercise and sports. In the future, it will be important to examine the perceived benefits of exercise by matching the benefits with the purpose and contents of PE, and to examine the continuity of the perceived benefits, as well as investigating deep-level perceived benefits.<br>

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