Curriculum Vitaes

Mayumi Taguchi

  (田口 まゆみ)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Department of International Studies, Osaka Sangyo University
PhD(Keio University)
Master of Arts(Osaka University)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

Research History



  • Mayumi Taguchi
    NOTES AND QUERIES, 62(3) 364-372, Sep, 2015  Peer-reviewed
    ケンブリッジ大学、モードリン・コレッジ、サミュエル・ピープス図書館所蔵、写本2125およびケンブリッジ大学図書館、写本 に収録されているイエスと聖母の短い会話は、最後の晩餐の前日、聖母から死を目前にしたイエスへの4つの嘆願を扱っている。本稿は、その原典についての情報が誤りであり、偽ボナヴェンチュラ作『キリストの生涯の黙想』に影響を受けた仏語贋作『イザベル王妃のために書かれた受難物語』(通称)のうち「聖母の4つの願い」と呼ばれる部分の訳であることを明らかにした上で、仏語原典とラテン語原材、また英訳との差異について文献学的に解説し、さらに本作品に表れているマリア信仰の特徴を分析した。
  • Mayumi Taguchi
    Postmedieval, 3(3) 315-327, Sep, 2012  Peer-reviewedInvited
    This article considers the reasons for the wide popularity of late medieval Gospel meditations, such as the Imitatio Christi topos, which instruct the meditator to create visual narratives within the mind. The mechanism of this kind of participatory and affective devotionalism is rooted in neurobiological functions that automatically coordinate body and mind in accordance with the information about the surrounding world obtained through mirroring (the mirror neuron system). These late medieval Gospel meditations may be rightly considered as a good meme-complex (a group of mutually reinforcing memes). The cognitive mechanism of such spirituality resembles contemporary computer-based virtual simulation. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
  • Mediaeval Studies, 67 157-217, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    ケンブリッジ大学、モードリン・コレッジ、サミュエル・ピープス図書館蔵写本2125に収録されている宗教文献の学術的校訂版である。写本の説明・分析、作品のスタイル、典拠、作者・読者等についてのイントロダクションと注釈・語注を付した。 掲載誌Mediaeval StudiesはToronto大学Pontifical Instituteの出す学術雑誌であるが、学術校訂論文はラテン語文献に限られていた。本稿は初めてMedieaeval Studiesが掲載した英語文献の本文校訂論文である。 本テキストを収めたCambridge大学、Magdalene College、ピープス図書館写本2125は50編以上の宗教文献で構成されているが、14世紀末から1世紀以上を掛けて完成した。他の写本で発見されていないテキストや特殊なヴァージョンが多く、本作品も他写本に見つかっていない。
  • 大阪産業大学論集 人文科学編, 98(98) 27-46, 1999  
  • Reading Medieval Studies, 24 95-112, 1998  Peer-reviewed



Major Books and Other Publications

  • Mayumi Taguchi, John Scahill, Satoko Tokunaga (Role: Joint author, entire)
    Oxford University Press, Jul 22, 2021 (ISBN: 9780192847676)
    This is volume II of the first scholarly edition of the Golden Legend, the largest and most elaborate production of the first printer in English, William Caxton. This second volume contains Caxton's most notable addition: a series of Old Testament legends, from Adam to Judith; it contains its own explanatory notes, glossary, and Index of Proper Names. It reproduces Caxton's original text with modern punctuation and capitalization, notes on content, syntax and lexis, a detailed glossary and an index of proper names. The notes provide detailed support for the view that Caxton's text is largely based on the work of an earlier unknown writer in English. They also demonstrate that writer's strikingly independent handling of a variety of sources, including the Latin Vulgate Bible, the Historia scholastica, the French Bible historiale, and the English Cursor mundi and the Wycliffite translation of the Bible.
  • Geoffrey Chaucer, tr. Tadahiro, Ikegami, etc (Role: Joint translator, The Canon's Yeoman's Tale)
    Yushokan, Jul 15, 2021
    This is a new Japanese translation of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, collaborative work of twenty-four medievalists, each telling a tale or two just as in the original work.
  • Mayumi Taguchi, John Scahill, Satoko Tokunaga (Role: Joint author, entire)
    Oxford University Press, Jul 30, 2020 (ISBN: 9780198867968)
    This is volume I of the first scholarly edition of the Golden Legend, the largest and most elaborate production of the first printer in English, William Caxton. It is an English translation of Jacobus de Voragine's Legenda aurea (ca. 1267), a collection of legends for the feasts of saints (the Sanctorale) and other major days of the liturgical year (the Temporale). The Legenda aurea was one of the most popular and influential books in the later medieval Western world; it circulated widely, and was repeatedly translated into many vernacular languages. This volume reproduces Caxton's original text of the Temporale with modern punctuation and capitalization, notes on content, syntax and lexis, a detailed glossary, and an index of proper names.
  • Mayumi Taguchi, Yoko Iyeiri (Role: Joint author, 言語的解説を除く全体)
    Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, May, 2019
    This Middle English prose survives uniquely in Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125 and has not been previously published. It is one of several Middle English translations of the Passion sequence of the pseudo-Bonaventura Latin _Meditationes vitae Christi_. The Introduction includes an extensive description of the manuscript which is a late medieval devotional miscellany, and a detailed account of the language of the text. It also addresses the textual tradition. The edited text is followed by a commentary, glossary and bibliography.
  • Margaret Connolly, Raluca Radulescu, eds (Role: Contributor, “The Use of Sources in The Historye of the Patriarks and Caxton’s Golden Legend”)
    Turnhout: Brepols, Feb, 2018 (ISBN: 9782503568478)
  • Stephen Kelly (Queen's, Univ Belfast, Ryan Perry, Ke, Denise Despres, Univ of Puget Sound, Maureen Boulton, niv of, Notre Dame, Mary Dzon, iv, of, T, Knoxville, dlsns Villalobos Hennessy (City, Univ of New York, Rachel Canty, David Griffith, iv of Bi, m, Sheila Sweetinburgh, Univ of Huddersfield, Sarah Macmillan, niv of Birmingham, Daniel McCann, iv of Oxford, Elizabeth Scarborough, Queen's Univ Belfast, Eleanor McCullough, Univ of, York, He
    Turnhout: Brepols, Jul, 2014
    ケンブリッジ大学、モードリン・コレッジ、サミュエル・ピープス図書館蔵の写本2125に収録されている「キリストの受難の黙想」は偽ボナヴェンチュラ作『キリストの生涯の黙』の受難部分の中英語訳である。本論は、このテキストの校訂版準備の一環として(上記5と同じくMiddle English Texts シリーズとして刊行されることが決まっている)、テキストの特徴を他の翻訳とも比較しながら検証した。特に、翻訳に使われたラテン語テキストについての調査において、A. C. Peltierが校訂した『キリストの生涯の黙想』(1868)が本文系譜的に近いことを証明した。この見解は、従来、同種の英語訳は、『キリストの受難の黙想』と呼ばれる『キリストの生涯の黙想』の抜粋版をもとに作られたとする解釈を覆し、さらにこのラテン語抜粋版『キリストの受難の黙想』が単一の系譜を持つものではなく、別々に同じ衝動のもとに発生したものであることを示唆する見解として評価された。
  • Simon Horobin, Oxford Univ, Linne R. Mooney, Timothy Graham, niv, of, New Mexico, Richard Firth Green, Ohio State, Uni, Carrie Griffin, iv of, B, Gareth Griffith, iv, of, Phillipa Hardman, Univ of Reading, John C. Hirsh, Georgetown Univ, Terry Jones, independent scholar, Takako Kato, M, Mary Morse (Rider Univ, James J. Murphy, Univ of California, Davis, Natalia I Petrovskaia, niv, of, Cam, Susan Powell, Salford University, Ad Putter
    York: York Medieval Press, Jul, 2014
  • Richar Dance, Cambridge University, Laura Wright, Cambridge University, Javier Calle Martin, iversity of Malaga, Spain, David Moreno Olalla, iversity of Malaga, Julia Fernandez Cuesta, Luisa Garcia Garcia, J. Gabriel, A. Carredano, Seville University, Gabriella Mazzon, rsity of Cagliari, Hanz-Jurgen Diller (Ruhr, University, Bochum, Cynthia Allen (Australian National University, Ewa Ciszek, Adam Mckiewicz, University, Poland, Maria Jose Carrillo-Linares, E. Carrido-Anes (Role: Contributor, "Devotional Terms and the Use of the Bible in Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ”)
    Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012 (ISBN: 3631628757)
    It looks closely at the frequency and distribution of key devotional words and phrases in Love's Mirror: the phrase 'devout imagination' (often understood as being particularly characteristic of the text), and other words relating to affective and edifying functions, notably 'stir' (in the context of rousing intense emotions), reason, open, edify, profit, fruitful, example, ground(ed) and their derivatives. It also looks carefully at Love's use of scriptural references and quotations. The whole survey enables one to understand better the place of Love's text, and its purposes, in the context of the language employed by Lollard and anti-Lollard treatises. It concludes that Love was more interested in his edificatory goal than his meditative one, and relates his use of 'verbal iconography' to a picture Bible, or Book of Hours.
  • Mayumi Taguchi
    Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, Winter, 2010 (ISBN: 9783825357504)
    This is an edition of Cambridge, St John's College MS G.31, the only witness to the Historye of the Patriarks. It is an often boldly idiomatic vernacular translation of a portion of the Bible from a period when the ‘Oxford Constitutions’ still had influence. This edition presents the English text in parallel with the Latin Historia Scholastica, the Old French Bible Historiale, and the Vulgate, the three main sources. The Introduction discusses the nature and significance of this translation in terms of the religious climate of the fifteenth century and in relation to its various sources.
  • 高宮利行, 松田隆美編 (Role: Contributor)
    雄松堂, Dec, 2008
    Gawain詩人の項目を担当。ただし、近年の研究動向については松田隆美氏が執筆。 本書は中世文学の原典を読み、調査するために必要な基本情報を網羅して若い研究者の育成に寄与することを目的としたガイドブックである。中世イギリス文学の作品を主要作家やジャンルごとに解説して、主要なテクストの校訂版と研究書、さらに最近の研究動向も紹介している。英語以外の中世ヨーロッパ文学、宗教史、美術史、書物史などの関連分野論文、近代以降のイギリス中世文学受容の歴史も収録し、文学作品と歴史的事件を対比させた分かりやすい年表も付している。


  • Mayumi Taguchi, resider)John Scahill(discussion presider), Panelists, Shoko Ono, Janet Burton, Hideshi Ohno、Margaret Connolly, Yoko Iyeiri, William Marx, Satoko Tokunaga, Keiko Ikegami, Yoshiyuki Nakao, Akiyuki Jimura
    Editing and the Interpretation of Texts: Past, Present and Future Practices: Part 2, Dec 8, 2019, Project “Editing Caxton’s Golden Legend, vols 1 & 2” (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 15H03190) & Kyoto University  Invited
    ‘How Editing Monastic Foundation Narratives Uncovers their Meaning and Purpose’ Janet Burton (Univ. of Wales; Professor of Medieval History、Joint General Editor, Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies) ‘Choices Editors Make and their Consequences’ Margaret Connolly (Univ. of St Andrews; general editor of the Middle English Texts) ‘The Middle English Texts series (Heidelberg): Aims and Objectives’ William Marx (Uiv. of Wales; general editor of Middle English Texts, Councilof the Early English Text Society)
  • Mayumi Taguchi, resider)John Scahill(discussion presider), Panelists, Shoko Ono, Janet Burton, Hideshi Ohno、Margaret Connolly, Yoko Iyeiri, William Marx, Satoko Tokunaga, Keiko Ikegami, Yoshiyuki Nakao, Akiyuki Jimura
    The Japan Society for Medieval English Studies, the 35th Congress, Nov 30, 2019, The Japan Society for Medieval English Studies  Invited
    Project “Editing Caxton’s Golden Legend, vols 1 & 2” (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 15H03190) hosted an international symposium on editing medieval texts, inviting three Japan-based editorial teams (Ancrene Wisse, Canterbury Tales, Meditations on the Passion of Christ) as well as three specialists from the UK: Prof . William Marx (General Editor of the Middle English Texts series, Council member of the Early English Text Society), Dr . Margaret Connolly (General Editor of the Middle English Texts series) and Prof . Janet Burton (General Editor, Boydell and Brewer, Monastic and Religious Orders series). This symposium proposed the theme that “editing” a manuscript or incunable text is inseparable from “interpretation”.
  • Mayumi Taguchi
    Early Book Society Sixteenth Biennial Conference, Jul 8, 2019, Early Book Society
    This paper discussed the mix condition of the original setting and its partial reset in Caxton's Golden Legend particularly in context of publication and reception of biblical stories in fifteenth-century England. In relation to its reception, damages made to some woodcut illustrations were discussed as regards how the recipients read a biblical book like this.
  • Mayumi Taguchi, Satoko, Tokunaga
    The New Chaucer Society 2018 Congress, Jul 12, 2018, The New Chaucer Society
    Transcription Now is to 'experience' Transcription then. It is to follow and copy what scribe did, letter by letter, word by word, and to learn about the text from the viewpoint of the scribe/ It is a slow and careful reading, through which we can more easily envisage procedures of copying a text and understand better why and how variants could occur. Our paper discussed the same sort of reading procedure is essential and useful in the study of early printed book.
  • Mayumi Taguchi, Satoko Tokunaga
    Twenty-First Biennial International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Jul 12, 2018, New Chaucer Society
    We are preparing a critical edition of Caxton's Golden Legend for the EETS. In this paper we have presented various issues concerning the roles of the compositors, correctors, and editors of early printed books that had arisen in the course of our study of the Golden Legend.




  • 研究テーマ(英語)
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
    後期中世英国、特に14-15世紀における宗教文献の伝播について、 写本研究を通して考察を加える。
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
    Historye of the Patriarks (Cambridge, St. John's College, MS G.31): 中英語による『創世記』訳の校訂・刊行
    Historye of the Patriarksを典拠とパラレルに並べた校訂本を出版した。
  • 研究テーマ(英語)
    後期中世:個人主義の萌芽 ― 内省的信仰形態の発展に見る認知的特徴