Curriculum Vitaes

Makoto Tamura

  (田村 誠)

Profile Information

Professor, Institute of Education, Center of Advanced Education, Osaka Sangyo University
Doctor(Science)(Osaka University)
Master(Science)(Osaka University)

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

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  • 大川俊隆, 田村誠 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (32) 1-33, Mar, 2018  Peer-reviewed
    “The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art” was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of “Suan-shu shu.” The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on “Suan-shu shu.” This is the thirtieth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 9 to 16 of Chapter 9, Gougu(句股)
  • 田村誠 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (31) 1-23, Oct 31, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    九章算術』は『算数書』出土以前は数学書としては中国最古のものであった。我々は、我々の『算数書』研究を起点に、『九章算術』の劉徽注、李淳風注を含めた訳注を完成させることを目的としている。 本論文では、方程章の算題[一八]に対する訳注を与える。
  • 大川俊隆, 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (31) 25-46, Oct 31, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    九章算術』は『算数書』出土以前は数学書としては中国最古のものであった。我々は、我々の『算数書』研究を起点に、『九章算術』の劉徽注、李淳風注を含めた訳注を完成させることを目的としている。 本論文では、句股章の算題[一]~[八]に対する訳注を与える。
  • 張替俊夫, 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (30) 15-29, Jun 30, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    九章算術』は『算数書』出土以前は数学書としては中国最古のものであった。我々は、我々の『算数書』研究を起点に、『九章算術』の劉徽注、李淳風注を含めた訳注を完成させることを目的としている。 本論文では、方程章の算題[四]~[九]に対する訳注を与える。
  • 田村誠 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (30) 31-49, Jun 30, 2017  Peer-reviewed
    九章算術』は『算数書』出土以前は数学書としては中国最古のものであった。我々は、我々の『算数書』研究を起点に、『九章算術』の劉徽注、李淳風注を含めた訳注を完成させることを目的としている。 本論文では、方程章の算題[一〇]~[一七]に対する訳注を与える。
  • 張替俊夫, 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (29), Feb, 2017  Peer-reviewed
  • 吉村昌之, 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, 28(28) 29-53, Oct, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-fourth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 16 to 20 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足).
  • 吉村昌之, 他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, 27(27) 1-15, Jun, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twenty-second article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 11 to 15 of Chapter 7, Yingbuzu(盈不足).
  • Yoshiyuki Nakagawa, Makoto Tamura, Yasushi Yamashita
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION, 24(6) 795-813, Sep, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    We discuss a problem posed by Gersten: Is every automatic group which does not contain Z x Z subgroup, hyperbolic? To study this question, we define the notion of "n-track of length n", which is a structure like Z x Z, and prove its existence in the non-hyperbolic automatic groups with mild conditions. As an application, we show that if a group acts freely, cellularly, properly discontinuously and cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex and its quotient is "weakly special", then the above question is answered affirmatively.
  • 小寺裕, 張替俊夫他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (20), Feb, 2014  Peer-reviewed
  • 角谷常子他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (19), Oct, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 田村誠, 張替俊夫
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (18), Jun, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 馬場理惠子, 吉村昌之他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (18), Jun, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 田村誠他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (17), Feb, 2013  Peer-reviewed
  • 大川俊隆他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (16), Oct, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • 武田時昌, 京都大学人文科学研究所, 田村誠他, 中国古算書研究会
    大阪産業大学論集 人文・社会科学編, (15), Jun, 2012  Peer-reviewed
  • H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Takeda, yoto, T. Ohkawa, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(14) 1-15, Feb, 2012  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the thirteenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 1 to 7 of Chapter 5, Shang gong(商功).
  • M. Tamura, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe Un, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(13) 1-19, Oct, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the twelfth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 23 and 24 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
  • M. Tamura, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe Un, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(12) 1-18, Jun, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽)and Li Chunfeng(李淳風)from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the eleventh article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 19 to 22 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
  • Reports of Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science 21th Symposium on the History of Mathematics(2010), 32 250-257, Mar, 2011  
  • M. Tamura, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe Un, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(11) 1-19, Feb, 2011  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the tenth article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 12 to 18 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
  • M. Tamura, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe Un, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(10) 27-48, Oct, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu."This is the ninth article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 1 to 11 of Chapter 4, Shaoguang(少広).
  • T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Harikae, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe, Un, M. Tamura, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(9) 15-30, Jun, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the seventh article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 10 to 20 of Chapter 3, Shuaifen(衰分).
  • M. Tamura, T. Harikae
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(9) 49-79, Jun, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    The Research Group on Ancient Chinese Mathematics went to China in December 2009 to investigate the Qin bamboo strips "Shu" housed at the Yuelu Academy and the Han bamboo strips "Suan-shu" in the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. In this paper, we report the results of our investigation of the "Shu" and the "Suan-shu", and introduce and criticize an article on the "Shu."
  • T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Harikae, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(8) 1-20, Feb, 2010  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the seventh article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 1 to 9 of Chapter 3, Shuaifen(衰分).
  • R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, T. Takeda, Kyoto, S. Tamura, Kobe, Un, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(7) 33-50, Oct, 2009  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu-Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the sixth article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 32 to 46 of Chapter 2, Sumi(粟米).
  • R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6) 23-52, Jun, 2009  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu-Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on Suan-shu shu." This is the fifth article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 1 to 31 of Chapter 2, Sumi(粟米).
  • T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(5) 23-41, Feb, 2009  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in Chinabefore the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu-Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the fourth article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 33 to 38 of Chapter 1, Fangtian(方田).
  • T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(4) 25-52, Oct, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu-Hui (劉徽) and Li Chunfeng (李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the third article based on our research and results in which we studied the problems 31 and 32 of Chapter 1, Fangtian (方田).
  • T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3) 11-32, Jun, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    "The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art" was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of the "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation including annotations of Liu-Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on the "Suan-shu shu." This is the second article based on our research and results in which we studied problems 10 to 30 in Chapter 1, Fangtian(方田).
  • T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya(Nara Univ, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, R. Baba, Kyoto, Women's, T. Harikae, T. Yazaki(Not, Affiliated, M. Yoshimura(Kobe Engineering High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2) 11-38, Feb, 2008  Peer-reviewed
  • Toshitaka Ohkawa, Makoto Tamura
    Wen wu (Cultural Relics), Apr, 2007  Peer-reviewed
  • Makoto Tamura
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 121 41-54, Feb, 2007  Peer-reviewed
  • T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, Un, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, Biao Ma(Yamaguchi Uni, M. Yoshimura(Maya, Hyogo High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 117 1-12, Oct, 2005  Peer-reviewed
  • M. Yoshimura(Maya, Hyogo High, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, Un, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, Biao Ma(Yamaguchi
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 116 237-250, Jun, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    The unearthed book "Suanshu-shu (算数書)" is the oldest book of mathematics in China. In order to report this book's proper collation, translation, and annotation, the very first procedure was to decipher the letters from photographs with the following investigation of the results with the mathematical and historical viewpoints. This is the seventh released article based on our research and results in which we studied 9 sections named "Shuitian (税田)", "Wuquan (誤券)", "Zuwuquan (租誤券)", "Qucheng (取程)", "Quxicheng (取〓程)", "Xing (行)", "Qiguang (啓広)", "Qizong (啓縦)" and "Haozu (耗租)".
  • T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, Biao Ma(Yamaguchi Uni, M. Yoshimura(Maya, Hyogo High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 115 1-13, Feb, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    The unearthed book "Suanshu-shu (算数書)" is the oldest book of mathematics in China. In order to report this book's proper collation, translation, and annotation, the very first procedure was to decipher the letters from photographs with the following investigation of the results with the mathematical and historical viewpoints. This is the sixth released article based on our research and results in which we studied 9 sections named "Zengjianfen (増減分)", "Fendangbanzhe (分当半者)", "Fenbanzhe (分半者)", Chuanma(伝馬)", "Yushi (羽矢)", "Zengfu (繪幅)", "Qiqian (漆銭)", "Yinqi (飲漆)", and "Chengzhu (程竹)".
  • T.Ohkawa, T.Harikae
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 115 83-108, Feb, 2005  Peer-reviewed
  • S. Tamura, Kobe, Un, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, M. Tamura, T. Harikae, M. Yoshimura(Maya, Hyogo High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 114 23-39, Oct, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    The unearthed book "Shanshu-shu (算数書)" is the oldest book of mathematics in China. In order to report this book's proper collation, translation, and annotation, the very first procedure was to decipher the letters from photographs with the following investigation of the results with the mathematical and historical viewpoints. This is the fifth released article based on our research and results in which we studied 10 sections named "Silian (糸練)", "Chongsu (春粟)", "Tongmao (銅耗)", "Futan (負炭)", "Lutang (〓〓)", "Yushi (羽矢)", "Fumi (負米)", "Fenqian (分銭)", "Michuqian (米出銭)", and "Fangtian (方田)".
  • T. Ohkawa
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 114 1-21, Oct, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    Though a number of schoolars made an effort to explain in the section "yinqi (飲漆)" of the underthed book "Suanshu-shu (算数書)", no proper result has yet been obtained. In this article, we attempt to clarify its meaning by examing the phenomenon that lacquer can be mixed homogeneously with the utmost water volume of up to three times.
  • Y. Nakagawa, Ryukoku Uni, Y. Yamashita(Nara Women's
    RIMS Kokyuroku, 1387 110-117, 2004  
  • Y. Nakgawa, Ryukoku Uni, Y. Yamashita(Nara Women's
    Proceedings of the First East Asian School of Knots, Links, and Related Topics, 283-288, 2004  
  • S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, T. Ohkawa, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, T. Harikae
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 111 1-19, Oct, 2003  Peer-reviewed
  • T. Harikae, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, M. Yoshimura(Maya, Hyogo High
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 112 1-15, Oct, 2003  Peer-reviewed
  • H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, U, M. Tamura, T. Harikae
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 109(109) 25-43, Feb, 2003  Peer-reviewed
  • M. Tamura, T. Ohkawa, S. Okayama(Kadoma, Namihaya High, H. Kotera(Todaiji High, T. Sumiya, Sakai Women's Junior College, S. Tamura, Kobe, T. Harikae
    Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Humanities, 108(108) 11-34, Oct, 2002  Peer-reviewed
  • M Tamura
    TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 350(5) 2129-2140, May, 1998  Peer-reviewed
    Feng Luo and Richard Stong introduced the average edge order mu(0)(K) of a triangulation K and showed in particular that for closed 3-manifolds mu(0)(K) being less than 4.5 implies that K is on S-3. In this paper, we establish similar results for 3-manifolds with non-empty boundary; in particular it is shown that mu(0)(K) being less than 4 implies that K is on the 3-ball.
  • M Tamura
    OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 33(3) 761-773, Sep, 1996  Peer-reviewed



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