Department of Civil Engineering

谷口 省吾

タニグチ ショウゴ  (Shogo Taniguchi)


大阪産業大学 工学部都市創造工学科 講師





  • 谷口省吾, 内山善基, 橋口亜由未, 尾崎博明
    環境技術 48(5) 270-277 2019年9月  査読有り
  • 橋口亜由未, 藤川陽子, 米田稔, 谷口省吾, 尾崎博明
    環境技術 44(7) 391-401 2015年7月  査読有り
  • Rabindra Raj Giri, Hiroaki Ozaki, Xiao Guo, Ryohei Takanami, Shogo Taniguchi
    DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 54(13) 3625-3631 2015年6月  査読有り
    The usefulness of ultraviolet-C (UVC: 254nm) and vacuum UV (VUV: 185+ 254nm) photolysis for elimination and mineralization of four selected pharmaceutical compounds (PhCs) in mixed aqueous solution were tested in laboratory batch experiments. UVC photolysis was unable to eliminate moderate and refractory PhCs. Moreover, it was not at all useful for mineralization of the PhCs (<10% TOC removal, 30min reaction) and longer reaction period (i.e. 60min) had no significant positive impact on the mineralization efficiency. On the other hand, VUV photolysis eliminated the PhCs almost completely in a short reaction period irrespective of their nature, and 90% mineralization was achieved in an hour. The greatly enhanced elimination and mineralization efficiencies for VUV photolysis were attributed to accelerated direct and indirect photolysis reactions. Based on the results, it was concluded that VUV photolysis was very promising over UVC photolysis for mineralization of PhCs in mixed aqueous solution. However, more studies are necessary for practical applicability of the method in wastewater treatments.
  • 谷口省吾, 山田修, 尾崎博明
    セラミックス 50(2) 104-108 2015年2月  招待有り
  • Yoko Fujikawa, Masataka Sugahara, Tetsuo Honma, Sayaka Hirayama, Phan Do Hung, Shinji Sakurai, Hiroshi Yashima, Ayumi Hashiguchi, Shogo Taniguchi, Hiroaki Ozaki, Paul Lewtas
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 13 455-460 2015年  
    © 2015 The Surface Science Society of Japan. We have conducted a pilot study of a biological filtration (BF) system for low-cost arsenic (As) removal from groundwater containing both ferrous iron (Fe(II)) and arsenic (As). Throughout the study, we have observed that arsenite (As(III)) as well as arsenate (As(V)) could be removed with this system. In conventional water treatment technologies, the preoxidation of As(III) to As(V) by oxidizing chemical is a mandatory step for As(III) removal However, such a preoxidation unit has not been used in our BF pilot unit, and hence the mechanisms of As(III) removal by BF have been of interest. Using a flow-through column reactor that simulates the actual BF pond for analysis by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), we could observe the adsorption of As(III) in water onto iron hydroxides deposited on the biological filter. The time-resolved As K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra were obtained when the water containing As(III) and Fe(II) was continuously fed to the reactor. An increase in the absorption intensity of the X-ray with time was clearly observed in the time-resolved spectra, indicating that the spectra represented the concentration and chemical state of As adsorbed at the solid-liquid interface of the biological filter. The XAS results also show that while the original water fed to the reactor was supposed to contain only As(III) and Fe(II), a small portion of As(III) was oxidized to As(V) in the influent line when the As(III) solution met the Fe(II) solution before flowing into the reactor. Consequently, besides As(III), As(V) probably formed by the oxidation of As(III) in the influent, was detected on the filter by XAS. The results demonstrate that, in BF, mechanisms of As(III) removal are at least partially explained by the adsorption of As(III) in the raw water to the biological filter as it is.




  • Nanthapong Chantaraprachoom, Bingzi Chen, Tatsuhide Hamasaki, Shogo Taniguchi, Tadao Mizuno
    第30回年次研究講演会 2021年11月25日 特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会
    Even though O3/H2O2 based AOP has been proven to be an effective polishing treatment for sewage effluent, some of organic compounds were still found after treatment as the TOC value of treated sample was around 1 mg/L. In pursue of identifying these remaining substances, High Performance HPSEC-OCD was used to determine range of AMW of the remaining substances. In this study, four HPSEC-OCD results were observed and compared: (a) sewage effluent before AOP, (b) after ozone only treatment, (c) after ozonation with hydrogen peroxide addition in the beginning, (d) after ozonation with hydrogen peroxide continuously added. HPSEC-OCD chromatograms show that biopolymer in AMW range of 30,000 Da and LMW neutrals in AMW range of 500 Da were removed in all cases. However, humic substances and building blocks in AMW range of 2,700 and 2,000 Da are only removed in presence of hydrogen peroxide. LMW acids in which has AMW range of 1,100-1,200 Da were found irremovable. Furthermore, concentration in this AMW range increased after all treatment. The increase was hypothesized to be by-products of AOP reactions with larger molecules.
  • 陳冰子, Nanthapong Chantaraprachoom, 濱崎竜英, 谷口省吾, 水野忠雄
    第30回年次研究講演会 2021年11月25日 特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会
    本研究は、回分式実験によりオゾンと4種の人工甘味料の反応量論について検討した。初期人工甘味料濃度を0.2 mmol/L、オゾン水濃度を0.0015〜0.0096 mmol/Lとして2分間反応させた。スクラロースについてはほとんど分解せず、オゾンの減少も少なかったことからほとんど反応が起こっていないと考えられた。サッカリン二水和物、アスパルテーム、アセスルファムカリウムは、オゾン1 molに対して、それぞれ0.92 mol、ア0.67 mol、1.1 mol分解することが確認できた。
  • 濱崎竜英, 陳冰子, 谷口省吾, 橋口亜由未, 水野忠雄
    日本オゾン協会第29回年次研究講演会 2021年1月12日 特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会
    本研究は、回分式実験装置を用いたオゾン酸化による人工甘味料の分解に関する基礎的な検討で、オゾン消費量に対する人工甘味料分解量を確認することを目的とした。実験に供した人工甘味料は、サッカリンナトリウム二水和物とした。100 mLのサッカリンナトリウム二水和物0.1 mmol/Lを試水とし、実測値が7.8 mg/Lのオゾン水と超純水を合わせて50 mL分を試水中に注入して150 mLとし、2分攪拌して実験を行った。実験の結果、オゾン1 molに対してサッカリンナトリウム二水和物0.5 mol分解した。
  • 陳冰子, 李程, 谷口省吾, 濱崎竜英, 水野忠雄
    特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会第28回年次研究講演会 2019年6月21日 特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会
  • 濱崎竜英, 陳冰子, 谷口省吾, 水野忠雄, 津野洋
    特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会第28回年次研究講演会 2019年6月21日 特定非営利活動法人日本オゾン協会
    本論文は前報の第二報として、下水終末処理場の生物学的処理水を対象として、半回分式実験装置を用いたオゾン/過酸化水素促進酸化法による有機物分解の特性をとりまとめた。第二報では、過酸化水素添加方法を前報と同じく初期に添加する方法に加え、初期に添加して消失する頃に再度添加する方法、定量ポンプで連続添加する方法で行い、TOC分解速度、オゾン消費速度、過酸化水素消費速度で評価した。TOC濃度が7〜8 mg/Lであった試水では、実験時間が40分で連続添加が最も低い3.0 mgC/Lまで低下した。






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  • 免許・資格名
    公害防止管理者 水質関係第1種