
高井 由佳

タカイ ユカ  (Takai Yuka)


大阪産業大学 デザイン工学部情報システム学科 准教授
Doctor of Philosophy(Kyoto Institute of Technology)



  • Yuka Takai, Shigeru Ikemoto
    AHFE 2021: Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control 274 384-391 2021年7月4日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Yuka Takai, Shigeru Ikemoto
    AHFE 2020: Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control 1216 203-209 2020年7月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Auto repair sheet metal work refers to the work of repairing a damaged part without replacing any of them. Repair technicians are required to have a high level of skill and to be able to work flexibly. If the work of experts can be quantified and visualized, it may be possible to transfer the skills to non-experts in a shorter time. Thus, in this study, technicians repaired a dent made on the press line of a passenger car fender using a hammer and dolly. The purpose of the research is to analyze the working time and working process during the repair. The sheet metal repairs were classified into five steps: “Hammering” (H), “Adjustment and position check of the dolly” (D), “Check by hand” (CH), “Check by eye” (CE), and “Other” (O). It was found that experts tend to spend longer than non-experts on step D.
  • Akihiko Goto, Oka Iwataro, Yuka Takai
    AHFE 2020: Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control 1216 186-192 2020年7月1日  査読有り
    In this research, motion analysis was carried out to formalize the practical backing technique of experts and to impart to understanding to non-experts. When mounting a hanging scroll in Japan, three types of “washi”, Japanese paper are layered. Also, to apply those papers, wheat starch is mixed with water and heated until it is gelatinized and used as an adhesive agent. Further, to increase flexibility, wheat starch paste has been stored in a cool dark place for about 10 years. We were able to conduct a new method of three-dimensional motion analysis on traditional techniques in this research, and investigated whether this leads to better education of the non-experts. We have confirmed that results of the motion analysis that visualize the postures during the operation have had a positive influence on the non-expert.
  • Kohei Okado, Kazuyuki Tanida, Hiroyuki Hamada, Akihiko Goto, Yuka Takai
    AHFE 2019: Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control 971 219-224 2019年6月6日  査読有り
    In this study, we analyze the techniques of experts and non-experts as a hairdresser and compared their skills based on eye tracking technology. The first purpose of this research is to clarify the differences between the beauty skills of experts and non-experts. The second purpose is to provide the findings to assist in the development of building educational programs for beauty skills of non-experts. In this study, the characteristics of experts were indicated based on video recording, eye tracking technology, and interview survey from experts.
  • 池元 茂, 高井 由佳, 濱田 泰以, 桑原 教彰
    日本機械学会論文集 84(864) 17-00552-1-17-00552-10 2018年8月25日  査読有り
    In this study, the skill of automotive engineers in sheet metal repair is analyzed. Because no two damage situations are identical, every damage is reconsidered on a case-to-case basis, and flexible responses are required. This work requires considerable human technical skill and relies on experienced workers. When the skills depend on experience, human resource development is essential to impart such skills. The overall objective of this research is to propose a personnel training tool. The fender of an automobile was repaired by workers by a sheet metal working technique. The results showed that the experts initiated their strikes in the peripheral part of the dents. Thereafter, they applied several broad strike patterns in their repairs: for example, avoiding striking the peripheral part of the dent; striking the central part while avoiding the press line, followed by striking both the peripheral and central parts; and applying many strikes on the press line in the central part of the dent.


  • 高井 由佳, 池元 茂
    塗装工学 54(7) 245-254 2019年7月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 塩見 尚礼, 後藤 彰彦, 高井 由佳, 村上 耕一郎, 太田 裕之, 飯田 洋也, 北村 直美, 赤堀 浩也, 清水 智治, 仲 成幸, 濱田 泰以, 谷 眞至
    日本内視鏡外科学会雑誌 21(7) OS155-4 2016年12月  
  • LU Xiaodan, 宮本勇樹, 濱田泰以, 太田智子, 矢野健吾, 徳本義彦, 吉川貴士, 高井由佳, 後藤彰彦
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 ROMBUNNO.S0450202 2016年9月10日  
  • LU Xiaodan, 宮本勇樹, 濱田泰以, 太田智子, 矢野健吾, 徳本義彦, 吉川貴士, 高井由佳, 後藤彰彦
    人間工学 52 136‐137 2016年6月25日  
  • 池元 茂, 濱田 泰以, 高井 由佳
    関西支部講演会講演論文集 2016(91) 125-128 2016年3月11日  
    The repair of a damaged car doesn't have the same situation. The repair of a damaged car needs individual way and work by hand. It's necessary to advance work for the car repairing engineer with progress of automotive material. An analysis of car repair expert's motion plays the important role in craftsman upbringing. Therefore, the goal of this study is development of the learning system for car mechanics using analyzing the technique of the craftsman. In this study, the hitting motion by hammer of expert's sheet-metal molding process for automobile repair were analyzed and compared with those with non-expert. As a first step, this paper intends to clarify the characteristic motions of experts. We measured the motions of the skilled and unskilled during car repair the sheet metal molding using the 3D digital motion analysis equipment, and then analyzed the results.


  • (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第5章 第1節 (1))
    サイエンス&テクノロジー株式会社 2018年12月21日 (ISBN: 9784864281836)
  • 伝統みらい教育研究センター編 (担当:共著)
    日刊工業新聞社 2017年3月28日 (ISBN: 9784526076930)
  • 伝統みらい教育研究センター編 (担当:共著)
    日刊工業新聞社 2016年3月29日 (ISBN: 9784526075513)










  • 研究テーマ
    人間工学 感性工学 伝統産業 教育システム